Overlooked traits of ENFPs

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I think every personality type has traits that no one talks about, or only people of that type can understand. Obviously, every individual is different and its questionable how many of these traits I list are just my traits or ENFP traits. 

-ENFPs can be quite stubborn in the correct moment. When it comes to our morals or our opinions, we can be pretty unshakable and unable to be swayed. 

-Some ENFPs are excited to be in charge, others shy away from any leadership opportunity. 

-ENFPs need time to themselves, they need boredom, and they need time to just imagine and daydream about crap. 

-Some ENFPs are quite dominant in relationships, others are quite submissive, most of them go back and forth from these two based on their mood. 

-ENFPs absolutely hate rejection, and hate having their pride hurt. They know the other person's feelings are valid, but ENFPs want to be liked by everyone and they hate being disliked. 

-ENFPs feel jealous, even of people they love. If a love interest, family member or friend has a skill and opportunity they don't have, the ENFP will admire/be happy for them, but there will always be a sinking feeling of jealousy/competitiveness because ENFPs want to measure up to people around them. This is true for me and very hard for me to admit...I hope it isn't just a me thing. 

-ENFPs care about a clean and organized environment, but when they clean they get paranoid about the million different things they need to do and get overly invested. This can go with taking care of their physical appearance as well. 

-ENFPs can be very pessimistic and anxious about the future

-ENFPs want/need deadlines and routines but they feel very draining to our creative energy

-ENFPs feel confident in themselves, yet so unsure of their abilities at the same time. 

-ENFPs don't want drama because it causes them stress, but end up being magnets to stressful situations regardless

-ENFPs want calmness and consistency, they are scared of change. It is very hard for their brains to relax and slow down, probably more so than all the types. ENFPs are impatient and want quick relief to their problems. That's what makes us appear to like change and inconsistency. 

-ENFPs are very affected by the world's problems and get very emotional about controversial subjects like politics, climate change, social justice, etc. They get very addicted and absorbed in these topics and it can get so bad the ENFP starts feeling overwhelmed by these topics to the point they can't use their "campaigner" gift to advocate and help. They can scroll for hours on these topics, trying to find a relief or solution, but all they feel is horrible because that is all that is on the news, political tumblr groups, twitter, reddit, etc. I also hope this isn't just a me thing. 

-ENFPs want to be happy, but feeling overwhelmed by the negatives is very addicting and easy. 

-ENFPs try to be self-aware and hold themselves accountable

-ENFPs are in their own worlds a lot, are not as active as you think, and think about their own thoughts and feelings all the time. They just have so much in their heads, they have to externally process to get these feelings out. 

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