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These types are similar in some ways. I can sort of speak from experience because one of my best friends was typed as an ESFP (on 16personalities), and while that test isn't reliable, I have observed her and myself, and she seems to have the cognitive functions of an ESFP, and it is evident in her hobbies and interests, the way she talks and the way she behaves. 

ENFPS and ESFPS, like any other intuitive/sensing counterparts can look similar at first glance and be hard to deduct. There are a lot of stereotypes about both (probably ESFPs more so) that I absolutely loathe, because people see them as shallow, stupid, self-absorbed, and many other things that are totally not true. ESFPs use Fi and have very deep feelings, although they are quite convicted and uncompromising, they are good at understanding both their own and other's emotions. They also, like ENFPS, need time to introspect and recharge. Se is not Fe. They live for sensory stimulation, not socializing. While ESFPs may not be the most intellectual types, they are very resourceful, creative, practical, good at taking action, personable, and these are definitely skills to be desired. There is more to life then pretending you're a broody librarian and doing nothing while living in your head (looking at you INFJs, INFPS, INTPs and INTJs). 

So how are ESFPs different than ENFPs, or the same?

ESFPs and ENFPs have many shared interests. Both are very creative, adventurous, emotional types that tend to get along. Friendships between these types seem to be very common. A lot of people say that ESFPs are more extroverted than ENFPs, but that is just because ESFPs are out experiencing the world whereas ENFPs are just imagining about it. That has nothing to do with socializing. 

The obvious difference is the sensing vs intuition. In terms of thinking and feeling, ESFPs and ENFPs use those functions in the same order so that is relatively the same. My ESFP bestie rode in an open trunk of a car because she just wanted to. I was in the back seat of said car. As an ENFP that is something I would never do. I'm a mental risk-taker, not a physical one. My friend wants to actually experience things to enjoy them, whereas I can enjoy something in theory, sometimes more than I enjoy something in practice. The only time I can literally force myself to do something to experience is if I am under stress or external pressure. I am terrible at using Se since it is my demon function and I usually use it under stress (ex. eating a bunch of ice cream after a breakup to satisfy my Se). 

I don't want to be that person, but in a way Ne is "deeper" than Se (note that I did not say "superior". I sometimes wish I was a sensor, being an intuitive dominant type is mentally exhausting). When I say that, I mean literally every freaking idea that pops into your brain have some profound meaning within some massive, convoluted universe in your head. Its a lot to sort out. ESFPs don't overthink these ideas...they just do them. ENFPs are all about theory, and ESFPs are all about practice. That doesn't mean I never do things as an ENFP or that an ESFP never imagines things, it's just what we're most comfortable doing. 

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