ENFP love languages vs my own love languages

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I am an ENFP, so I wondered how other people who share my personality type show love.

According to 16personalities (which isn't totally reliable because of stereotypes and lack of cognitive functions, but I find I still relate to most of what they say):

How we express love:

- The most likely to give recognition and appreciation (words of affirmation or gift giving) to others. So, this is the love language we usually give out.

- Emotional support is also one we're likely to give

- Quality time and attention

-Physical touch

The ones we apparently prefer to receive are:

-Thoughtful actions

-Emotional support

-Recognition and Appreciation

Although I'd say for me, Quality time and Physical touch comes above the whole Words of Affirmation like people say ENFPs prefer, but that's just me. Thoughtful actions are very nice, but I still prioritize different love languages above Acts of Service or Gift giving. I also looked on other websites and on Reddit, there were some pretty diverse answers, but ENFPs seem to prefer Words of Affirmation above all.

 Words of Affirmation are important, don't get me wrong, but for me, Emotional/Intellectual connection (which that could be a part of), Physical Touch and Quality time seem to be more important, but WOA is a part of that too. ENFPs are a decent chunk of the population according to a poll from like 20 years ago, and the one from like 2018 (they estimated we're 8-10% of the population...I'm sure everyone with ADHD got typed as an ENFP...anyways) but we're a pretty diverse group and we're going to have different preferences. 

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