ENFPs are dumb.

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So I got a request to address this negative stereotype about ENFPs, being that we're flaky, air-headed, stupid, dumb, etc. I'm sure you have seen plenty of memes stipulating this. 

I seriously called myself an idiot in the INTJ chapter, so now I am going to have to justify why my own type is actually intelligent...let's begin. 

I was a "smart kid" (not gifted but a kid who got good grades), up until high school. I was a freshman in high school during the Covid era, and that was when I spent all my time writing fanfiction instead of doing my homework. I have always had issues with procrastination and self-discipline, and when I was doing online school, and my mental health was at an all-time low, which reflected in my grades. 

In middle and high school, I was always very attracted to people who were book smart. I wanted to be like them. I envied them. I have an ENTP father who is a teacher, and he would occasionally give me a hard time about my intellect, and sometimes still does to this day. I had even considered dropping out of high school, but now I'm a freshman in college and struggling once again. 

Recently I have had panic attacks related to exams, large assignments, and my workload. I have plenty of time on my hands, but my productivity is usually linked to my emotions. Last year and early this year I utilized the free therapist sessions at my college and discovered I may not be neurotypical and that it is likely I have inattentive ADHD. I'm not going to claim this yet, but it's a possibility.   

Now this probably got too personal. Did you expect anything less? Anyways, as you can see my relationship and perception of the concept of intelligence isn't a very healthy one. 

Nowadays though, I could care less about someone's grades. There are many barriers in society and I think grades are a better reflection of one's memory than their actual intelligence. 

According to some MBTI theories, ENFPs have a "Ti" (Introverted Thinking) blind spot which many people say means we are incapable of subjective cold logic, and that we aren't intelligent in the "conventional" sense. No one says INFJs are "dumb" for having a "Te" (Extroverted Thinking) blind spot. Having a supposedly missing thinking function does not mean you are stupid. What it does mean however is that ENFPs have trouble organizing and articulating our own thoughts, which is true. We use logic though, and we are capable, our brains just don't find things like complicated logic naturally easy or mentally stimulating, and that's okay. 

Regardless, we also just have to accept that MBTI doesn't measure intelligence, how messy or organized you are, how empathetic you are, and other ridiculous things. Not all INTPs are smart. Not all ESFPs are thoughtless. Do I think I (an ENFP) as an individual am smart? Not really, but I hold myself to unrealistic standards and enjoy keeping my self-esteem in stiches, and yet I think I'm still the main character. 

These days, I like a thoughtful conversation. I like it when someone cares about authenticity and truth. I like philosophical and existential concepts. I couldn't care less if someone has three medical doctorates, if they can't discuss the hidden meaning behind a song, book or movie with me or have never questioned the meaning of life, then they are stupid to me. 

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