Let's talk about Introversion Bias

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I have noticed a plethora of biases within the MBTI community. I'm sure you may have heard of "Intuitive Bias" within the community which I may discuss later. Today I'm discussing something I have noticed in the community, but there isn't a word for it, so I'm calling it "Introversion Bias", and this bias seems to exist all over the pseudo psychology circles on the internet, and on the internet population in general because the majority of the internet population is introverted. 

So, what do I mean when I say, "Introversion Bias"? It means I have seen a preference for Introverts within the MBTI community, and that they are viewed more favorably than the Extroverted types. I'm sure some of you self-proclaimed introverts reading this are going to counter with the whole "well society is made for extroverts!" argument which I am about to refute right now. 

First point: A lot of people are very misunderstood on the topic of introversion vs extroversion. They see it as a dichotomy...it is not. Introversion and Extroversion are on a spectrum and come in many different shapes and forms. There are Feeling Extroverts/Introverts, Thinking E/I, Intuitive E/I and Sensing E/I. No one, and I repeat NO ONE is a complete extrovert or introvert, Carl Jung himself said if anyone was a complete extrovert or introvert, that person would be a lunatic. We all require time to recharge and to be stimulated. Also, I have already said this, but Extroversion and Introversion have NOTHING to do with socializing. As an ENFP, I am an extroverted Intuitive and Thinker, but an introverted Feeler and Sensor according to my cognitive function stack. My intuition requires stimulation, whereas my emotions require a recharge. You not liking parties, or going outside doesn't have anything to do with introversion and everything to do with you trying to build a "quirky" millennial identity...

Second point: Society may be run by extroverted judgers (Extroverted Judgers like ENTJ, ENFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ), as their behavior is considered the norm and is most apt to become successful within the way that society is structured. However, a majority of the population is introverted. According to the official MBTI website, the Introversion to Extroversion rate is about 51: 49 respectively. It's almost split in the middle, but introverts are more common. ISTJ and ISFJ are the most common types in society, and the most commonly used cognitive function is Introverted Sensing. As and ENFP who uses Introverted Sensing as my last function and Extroverted Intuition as my top function, I have noticed barriers in my life related to self-discipline, and the education system that makes people with personality traits like mine, almost unable to succeed.  Also Extroverted Judging types actually make up the rarest group in the MBTI as they usually end up being "leaders" in society. This barrier that I am talking about is actually more of a Judging vs Perceiving problem. It is easier for an Introverted Judger to succeed than an Extroverted Perceiver, since society favors judging behavior more, making Introverted Perceiving types the least successful in society overall. Judging Bias within the MBTI community and in society is an entire other topic and I could talk about it all day. 

Final point: Introverts are frequently put in a more favorable light than extroverts. They are painted as more intellectual, mysterious, "deep", and less annoying compared to extroverts. Extroverts get accused of being shallow, pushy, overwhelming, unintelligent, overbearing, and other unpleasant adjectives. This definitely exists, there is no denying. The amount of content praising and uplifting introverts compared to extroverts is quite stark. How many "Extrovert problem" videos have you seen? How many "Things Extroverts are annoyed by Introverts doing" articles have you seen? Now I am not saying that Introverts don't deserve to be uplifted or to have a platform. I also do not harbor any hatred towards introverted qualities or behaviors, in fact sometimes I have preferences for introverts. The thing that bothers me are the stereotypes perpetrated about Extroverts. We all know that Introverts are nuanced, and yet they paint Extroverts as a large monolith when there are eight different types of extroverts. In my opinion this is not okay because it makes the MBTI community overly simplistic and exclusionary. If there was no introversion bias or intuitive bias, the ESTJ reddit would not have been taken down and hated upon. 

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, and I doubt anyone who cares about this subject will read this. 

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