6.The new 'it' girl

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Liora slammed her locker with a huff and turned to face Danny. "Thank you for showing me around," she said with a smile, "though it's not my fault she's mad; it's your guys'."

"I didn't do that one," he said, shaking his head. "I mean, I did know, I will say that. And I will also say it wasn't for her," he added, and Liora nodded.

"That's what she said," Liora remarked as they strolled down the hall. "You wouldn't happen to know who did it, would you?" she asked.

"I can't willingly tell you that," he said. Liora looked at him, confused. "If I tell you, you'll kill. I can't throw them into the fire like that," he explained, and Liora laughed.

"Okay, so for lunch, Alex and Isaac should be in there. If not, Cole is. I'll be back, okay?" he said. She nodded and walked into the lunch room. As she looked around, the first person she saw was Cole, who was already looking at her. Then the whole table looked at her as she turned and walked over to Alex.

"Hey," Liora said, sitting next to him. He looked up from his book and smiled.

"Hey, how's your day going?" he asked as she let out a huff. "That bad?" he said as Liora gave him a sweet smile.

"I mean, I know I'm the new kid, but god, all they do is look at me," she said, looking at him with her head tilted. "Like they won't even talk to me, just sit and look," she said, settling back in her seat.

"You want to know why?" Liora lightly jumped when Isaac came up behind her. "You're the new 'it' girl," he said, making her look back at him and then at Alex.

"What? Why?" Liora asked as Danny walked up to them and handed her a drink. Liora loved tea.

"I'm going to tell you straight, okay?" Isaac said. She nodded as she kept her eyes on him. "You're hot."

"Isaac!" Alex said. He shrugged as they looked back at Liora. "What he's trying to say is, you're new. We don't really get new people here, and you... you're pretty," he said, making Liora smile at him.

"Hey, you should be a cheerleader," Isaac said, resting his elbow on the table and his chin on his palm as he looked at her. Liora raised an eyebrow in question. "We could take the hottest cheerleader home every day," he said. Liora let out a laugh.

"Wow!" The four of them snapped their heads over to see Cole, the blonde Erin, she believed her name was, and a Korean-looking girl who was clapping her hands together. "I know it was you! I watched everything you danced in!" the girl said. Liora was a bit shocked. She didn't want to talk about her dances.

"Oh, umm, hi," Liora said, giving her a smile.

"What is happening?" Isaac asked, looking at Liora. She wanted to disappear.

"You don't know?" the girl said, looking around at them. Liora opened her mouth to stop her but didn't do it in time. "She and her group were at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and then went to the dance awards! You're like... my mom would freak. Can I get a picture?" Liora thought it was going to stop there, but she just keep going

"Oh! What about lima! Is he here? You two would be so cute together," she said and finally stopped. "What brings you to our school?" she said. Of course, they would know she never told anyone outside of her group who her parents were. When she was dancing, she didn't want what her mom did to cross over to her dances. Not that it would have, but she wanted her dances to be just her.

"I'm Jackie's sister," Liora said, looking at the blonde. "Erin, is it?"

"Yup," she said, looking Liora up and down.

"You were talking to my sister the other day, her first day," Liora said. Erin looked at Cole and then back at Liora.

"I might have," she said. Liora nodded as she stood up from her chair.

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