41.I'm lost

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Liora approached Jackie's door and gave it a gentle knock. When she heard a muffled "come in," she opened the door to find Jackie sitting on her bed.

"Hey, I'm going for a walk," Liora said, smiling at her.

"You're supposed to be taking it easy," Jackie replied, looking up at her. Liora huffed and rolled her eyes.

"It's just a walk, Jackie," Liora said, glancing around. "I just want to get out. It's... okay?" she said. Jackie closed her eyes and nodded.

"Hey, call me on my phone!" Jackie called out as she walked down the stairs and out the front door. Liora pulled her jacket around her and called Jackie on FaceTime before starting her walk.

"I'm guessing the talk didn't go well?" Jackie asked when she answered.

"I don't know why you didn't just come with me," Liora said. Jackie shook her head.

"I didn't want to walk, but I wanted to make sure you were okay," Jackie said. "So, tell me," she added.

"It didn't really go well at all," Liora said, shaking her head. "It felt one-sided, and when he did talk, he said he didn't want to see me with anyone else, but he doesn't want to commit to a boyfriend-girlfriend thing because he's afraid it will mess things up," she explained, looking down.

"And? Nothing else?" Jackie asked. "You didn't figure anything out at all?" Her eyes were fixed on Liora as she walked.

"No, we didn't. We're still in the same spot, and I just... I don't know anymore, Jackie. What else am I supposed to do? Maybe I'm just not..." Liora trailed off.

"No, Rory, you are," Jackie said, making Liora look at her. "You can't make him do anything, you know? I mean, anyone can see he wants you, but you know how guys like Cole are. They want something, but can't... how do I put it?" she said, looking at Liora.

"They're all jerks, every one of them," Liora said. "I mean, who can tell someone, 'let's see where things go just between us,' and then doesn't even try?" she said, shaking her head.

"Rory, you and Cole together is not my favorite, okay? But you've always supported me in whatever I was doing," Jackie said, looking at her. "I think if anyone could figure him out, it would be you. It's like you told me, 'don't let it crack before it even starts, build on what you get, and you will figure it out,'" she said. Liora nodded as she kept walking.

"Hey, Uncle Richard has been asking about you. Have you called him?" Jackie asked. Liora shook her head as Jackie did something, and he popped up on the screen too.

"Hey, Jackie! Oh, Rory, how's the wrist?" their uncle asked when he saw her. Liora gave him a smile.

"It's... okay," Liora said, nodding as she looked down.

"Well, how are you guys? Is everything okay?" he asked. "They're treating you guys all right, right? If not, I can be on the next flight down," he said. Liora smiled.

"No, we're okay," Jackie said. "It's just Nathan collapsed and is in the hospital," she added. Liora looked down as she kept walking.

"Oh, well, I hope he's alright," he said.

"He's fine, it's just..." Liora started to say, but stopped. "We're sorry for calling. We know you're busy, but..." she said as he shook his head.

"No, no, we can stay on the phone as long as you guys want," he said, which made Liora smile.

"Can we just talk about how much I miss the subway?" Jackie said. Liora's eyes snapped up with a nod.

"I know! Having to ask everyone for rides or walk to get anywhere sucks!" Liora said. Jackie nodded.

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