31.with you

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Liora stood looking up at the horses, grimly rubbing its nose. "Have you ridden any?" her uncle asked, standing next to her along with Jackie.

"She did actually," Jackie said with a smile. Richard looked at Liora, a bit surprised. "With Cole," she added.

"It was just one ride," Liora said, turning away from the horses to look up at him.

"Cole? He's the blonde?" he asked, making both Liora and Jackie nod as they began to walk. Liora's eyes moved to where Katherine and George were on the porch before looking back at Jackie and then to her uncle.

"I mean, it's... it's beautiful out here," Richard said as they walked. "The quiet sets my teeth on edge," he said, looking around. Liora smiled as Jackie let out a small chuckle.

"Right?" she said. Liora wasn't going to lie; she missed the sounds of the big city. "You have no idea how much I miss the police sirens," she said. Liora nodded.

"I loved them," Liora said, slipping her hands into her pockets.

"I remember you would just sit by the window just to listen to them," Richard said with a smile, and she did all the time.

"And the screaming neighbors," Jackie said with a nod.

"It was like watching a reality TV show," Liora said. "You got every detail," she added, as they all let out a laugh when they stopped next to his car.

"So... you two will think about it?" he asked. Liora looked down before looking at Jackie, who nodded and seemed like she had an answer already. His eyes moved to Liora, who looked at him, then back.

"I have," Jackie said with a nod. Liora raised an eyebrow at her; they had never even talked about it yet. "I want to stay with the Walters," she said. Liora was taken aback.

"What?" Liora asked, looking at Jackie.

"For now," Jackie said, looking at her. Liora closed her eyes before looking back up at him. He looked hurt.

"I'm sorry, and it's not that I don't miss you or New York, or that I don't want to live with you because a big part of me does," she said. Liora let out a breath and crossed her arms.

Jackie didn't even talk to her about this.

"But an even bigger part of me doesn't know who I am back in New York without our family," she said, looking to Liora, who just looked away, "or if I'm even ready to find out," she said. Liora bit her lip as she looked up at Richard.

"I understand," he said with a sigh as his eyes moved over to the silent Liora.

"It means a lot that you're willing to fight for us," Jackie said.

"Hey, I will always fight for you two and be there," he said, looking between them, "no matter what," he said. Liora smiled at him.

"And I'm going to keep checking up on you two, so tell Tara she's stuck with me," he said, looking to Liora. "Deal?" he added, making Liora smile as he pulled Jackie into a hug. As she let go, Jackie walked away.

"What are you thinking?" he asked. Liora looked over to Jackie, then to Katherine and George.

"I wanted to go back to New York from the moment I got here so bad that I thought that if I didn't unpack my things, it would get me there," Liora said, looking up to him. "She didn't even talk to me about it, but the more I think now, I... I can't leave Jackie," she said. He nodded as he looked at her.

"And to tell you the truth, being back there with all that... it's only been a handful of months since I took my last..." she said and looked down.

"I know, Rory, I know," he said. She nodded, glancing back up at him.

"I just don't think I'm ready yet, having to go back yet, because I know it's going to happen," she said. "And, God, you don't know how bad I want to get in that car with you right now, but..."

"Hey, it's okay, Rory," he said, making her look at him. "I get it, and here in a few days or weeks, if you change your mind, all you have to do is call," he said. Liora nodded as he pulled her into a hug.

"I love you," he said as Liora wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you," she whispered back as she let him go and took a step back, looking up at him.

"Call some of your friends, Rory," he said as he opened the door to his car. "They're constantly calling or ringing my doorbell," he said. Liora nodded again as she stood there and watched him drive away. Liora slowly turned and walked to Jackie.

"You didn't talk to me," Liora whispered, looking at her. Jackie looked down. "And you know I wasn't going to leave you, Jackie... so you... you should have just talked to me," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Rory," Jackie said, "but do you really want to leave?... really want to?" she said. Liora closed her eyes before turning and walking off.

Truth be told, Liora didn't know what she wanted.

She let out a breath as she sat on her bed, her eyes moving across the room. She bit her trembling lip as her hands moved up to wipe her eyes. This room was still full of boxes... her room. This was her room. Slowly, she stood and walked over to one and opened it, looking inside. She pulled out one of the pictures in the box, her eyes moving across the smiling family in it... her family.

Liora smiled as she walked over to the nightstand and set the picture up. There was a knock on her door, and her eyes snapped over to watch as Lee walked in.

"Jackie says you're staying," he said as Liora nodded slowly and looked at him.

"Sorry," she mumbled, but Lee just shook his head.

"It wasn't you or Jackie I was mad at," he said. Liora hummed. "I'm sorry for what I said," he said. Liora smiled at him.

"Está bien," she said in Spanish to him ("It's fine").

"Todo está bien," he said back, making Liora nod as he walked out the door, closing it behind him ("All good?").

"Hey," Liora's head snapped up when she heard Cole.

"There is a thing called knocking," Liora said and looked away as Cole closed the door and walked further into her room.

"You haven't barely unpacked anything," Cole commented. Liora turned her head lazily to him; he was already looking at her. "You're staying, might as well unpack," he said. Liora looked down.

"I... everything in the boxes are things they got me for birthdays and Christmas," Liora mumbled as she looked around, then back to him. "I just don't want to do it by myself," she said, as Cole nodded and walked up to a box.

"Normally, pictures go on the walls, and posters," he said, pulling some out. "I'll unpack it with you," he added. Liora smiled up at him as she nodded.

"Come on," Cole said, pulling her up from the bed. "Show me where you want it."

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