7.Family Dynamics

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Liora leaned back, letting her hand drift out the window as the wind tousled her hair. Her eyes wandered over the picturesque scenery outside, and she couldn't help but smile at the beauty surrounding her.

"So..." Cole began, glancing over at her, but Liora remained silent, gazing out the window with a small smile. "We know about your sister's past before she came here, but what about you? We've got nothing except that you're a mystery when it comes to your life in New York," he remarked, prompting Liora to turn and look at him.

"What? No, I'm not," Liora protested, brushing her hair away from her face. Cole raised an eyebrow. "I'm not! I'm just... not as open as Jackie," she explained. Cole nodded, understanding her point.

"Tell me something," he urged, focusing back on the road. Liora straightened up a bit, running her fingers across her lips as she slowly nodded.

"Well, there's not much to tell, umm..." Liora hesitated, looking down. "I wasn't the best kid at my old school. I mean, I got good grades, but... attending was my problem," she admitted, unsure of what more to say.

"Why? You don't like school?" he asked, steering them onto the gravel road as Liora let out a small chuckle.

"No kid likes school, but that wasn't it," Liora said, playing with her fingers. "I did dances in New York, as you know. It took up a lot of time, and I gave piano lessons to make some money. I also had a part-time job with my mom. I was trying to save up for a car. I was supposed to take my test the day after the car accident," she explained.

"Were you good?" he asked, making her look at him. "With your dancing," he clarified. Liora nodded.

"I danced with some of the top dancers in New York," Liora said, looking down. "I had a full ride to Juilliard School in New York City... one of the best... I had it all... and..." She stopped, her voice trailing off.

"Wait, you don't have the full ride anymore?" Cole asked, glancing over at her.

"I do. I... I was supposed to start at the school this year. It was all set to begin at the start of the year, but then the accident happened, and I couldn't make it. I've talked to them, and they've already pushed back my start date three times. My scholarship is on the line if I don't do something," she explained, her voice tinged with worry. Cole just looked at her before returning his gaze to the road.

"If I take it, I have to leave my sister and go back to New York... by myself. But if I don't, I'll lose everything I've been working for my whole life," Liora said, peering out the window.

"That's..." Cole started, but then fell silent.

"The worst part is, no one knows but me," Liora added.

"Talk to my mom," he suggested. Liora shook her head. "Look, I know what it's like to have to give up on the thing you love. There's a way to make everything work out. There's a way for this to work out," he reassured her.

"Please, don't tell anyone," she pleaded. "Just promise you won't tell anyone," she insisted, and Cole nodded in agreement. Liora then looked back out the window and caught sight of something she hadn't noticed before—a car, or rather, a Jeep for sale. It looked older, like a fixer-upper, but for some reason, she found herself drawn to it.

"What?" Cole asked, observing her closely. Liora shook her head and directed her gaze forward.

It didn't take long for the two to pull in front of the house. Liora grabbed her boxes and quickly got out, and as they made their way inside, the atmosphere was awkward. Everyone was sitting at the table, wearing solemn expressions. Liora looked at Jackie as she set the boxes down.

"Where were you?" George inquired, directing his question at him.

"We, uh, went to the watering hole. Lost track of time," Cole said, looking at Liora, who avoided making eye contact.

"Listen, I-" Jackie began, but was abruptly cut off.

"Jackie, excuse me," Katherine interjected, redirecting her attention toward Cole. "Hey, Cole, do you know anything about a bet with Isaac this morning?" Liora glanced over at him with a puzzled expression, and their eyes met briefly before he looked away.

"Nope. Doesn't ring a bell," he replied, chewing on something and shaking his head.

"I didn't catch that," George interjected. "Seriously, Cole?" He dropped his napkin and fork before crossing his arms.

"It was a joke, okay? And it wasn’t really meant for her," Cole mumbled the last part. Liora couldn’t conceal the look of shock on her face as she glanced at Jackie and then back at him.

Just as she thought maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as bad as she had made him out to be, of course he would be into it. How could she not see that?

"Maybe you should ask Jordan what he's got on camera," Alex interjected. Liora looked at him and then around the table. Did they all know? She knew Danny knew after it was said and done, and Alex too.

"Dude, seriously? You just had to bring me into it," Jordan said from across the table. Now Liora was incensed. She hadn't known about it until they got to school this morning, and she really didn't think everyone in the house knew about it or was in on it.

This was why she didn’t let people in. It wasn't just about the “joke.” She and Jackie had done nothing to them. They hadn't asked to come here, they didn't want to move their whole lives for the only place they knew, to live here, only to be something for them to pick on and poke at. This wasn't going to happen.

"Mi dispiace," Jackie said, making Liora frown and furrow her eyebrows. ("I’m sorry")

"Per quello?" Liora asked. ("For what?")

"Ti faccio provare a vedere il buono qui," she said slowly, still having trouble with the words, as Liora bit the inside of her cheek. "Volevo solo che tu avessi una casa," she said. That hit Liora hard. She wanted a home with family like they had, and she wanted that for Jackie too, but she didn’t think it would ever be here. ("Making you try to see the good here... I just wanted you to have a home")

"This is not our home, Jackie," Liora said in English, where everyone could understand her, but she didn’t once look at them.

"Dovrebbe essere," Jackie said, looking at her. Liora just shook her head. ("It’s supposed to be")

"Non ne avevo voglia," Liora said, looking down. "Non desideravo altro che tornare a New York con la nostra vera famiglia," she said, closing her eyes. She really wanted to go back to New York. She had tried, maybe not as well as she should have, but she did.

(It didn't feel like it….,,  I wanted nothing more than to be back to New York with our actual family.) 

Liora moved to the door and picked up the boxes. "Come, I'll fix your hair," she said, as Katherine looked at them.

"I can help—" Liora cut her off.

"No, no, it’s fine. I can do it," Liora said, walking away, with Jackie following behind her.

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