13.never came

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Liora stood in the early morning sun, her eyes tracing the lines of the red jeep as she stood by an older man. "Does it run?" she asked, looking at him. She hadn't yet asked George or Katherine about the bill, but she wanted to inspect it before doing so.

"Yeah, it runs really well. It's just that my wife wanted a new one, and well, she got it," he said with a smile, glancing at Liora. She returned the gesture and began walking around the jeep.

"How much are you asking?" Liora inquired, looking back at him as she made her way back with a smile.

"Well, I assume this would be your first car?" he asked. Liora nodded.

"Yes, my sister and I want to work on a project together, you could say," Liora said, rubbing her lips together. "In truth, we only need one car. We actually just moved here, not too far from here." After what happened last night with Cole standing her up, she figured it would be a good time for this.

"Oh, you're one of the girls who moved in with Katharine and George," he said. Liora nodded. "Well, what did they say about it?" he asked. Liora rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well, I haven't exactly asked them yet," Liora admitted as she looked at him. "I just wanted to look at it first, you know?" She asked, and he nodded.

"How about I cut you a deal," he said. "My wife is on me about getting rid of it, so $800 for it." Liora nodded; it was a good price, and she knew she would just have to dip into her savings.

"Okay, um, let me talk to Katharine and George, and is there a way I can get a hold of you?" she said. He smiled.

"Just come by when you've got it all figured out, okay?" he said. Liora nodded and thanked him before walking back to where she had left Alex and Danny.

"What was that about?" Danny asked. Liora just shook her head as she took out her phone and texted Jackie.

Liora: Sorry for being late. I'm coming now.

Jackie: It's okay. See you when you get here.

Liora sat back in the seat until they made it to Jackie, who was standing by herself near the booth.

"Hey," Liora said, walking up to her, with Alex following behind. "I thought Cole was here. He said he was going to come, so I took a shower. I didn't know you were going to be by yourself," Liora quietly said. She shouldn't be surprised; Cole wasn't there. He left her in the dark the previous night, and to be with Erin of all people?

Liora was more than pissed, though she wasn’t going to say it. She was just not going to talk to him or fall for his unusually good charm for a second time, well, third time.

"It’s okay," Jackie said. "I feel bad for taking you away from your morning routine," she said. Liora shrugged.

"I have my running shoes on. I’m going to run back," Liora said. It would take her a little bit to run all that way back, but she really didn’t want to be at the house right now.

"You know, Parker has a game today. It’s a little ways that way, not really 3 miles," Alex said, looking at Liora. "But you could run there and have my mom give you a ride back. Danny and I can help Jackie," he said. Liora looked to her sister.

"Yeah, go ahead," Jackie said with a smile. "Text me when you get there, and I’ll see you at the house," she said. Liora nodded.

"Are you sure, Jackie? I can stay," Liora said. Jackie nodded.

"Oh, if you stopped by the store, get some tea!" Jackie yelled after her as Liora ran off, giving a thumbs up.

Liora ran a good distance before she made it to where Katharine was. Liora let out a breath as she awkwardly walked up to her.

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