50.Will and Haley's wedding 2

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Liora stood in front of the mirror, meticulously applying eyeliner and touching up her eyeshadow when Jackie walked in.

"Hey, did you get everything done?" Jackie asked. Liora nodded as she glanced back at her reflection.

"Will you help me zip the dress?" Liora asked. Jackie nodded and swiftly helped her into the blue dress. "Does it look okay?" she asked, looking at Jackie, who shook her head.

"yes, but you should let me clip back your hair a bit," she said. Liora nodded and allowed her to do so before they made their way out the door and joined the group of people.

"I'll be back," Jackie said, walking over to Alex as Liora continued walking forward.

"Rory," Danny said, making her stop and look at him. "You look great," he said. Liora gave him a smile.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she said as her eyes moved to Cole, who was already looking at her.

"You do look very nice, Rory," Cole said. Liora tilted her head just a bit as her eyes moved over him.

"You clean up very well yourself," she said back. Cole smiled at her as she turned and went to find her seat, which just so happened to be between Cole and Danny.

As the music started to play, they all stood up and looked back to see Hayley with her mom and dad. She looked beautiful as she walked.

Liora's eyes moved to look at Cole, then back as Hayley made it to Will, and everyone sat as the ceremony began.

"Family and friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate…" Liora's attention was pulled away when a hand came to rest on her thigh. Her eyes moved to meet Cole's as he gave it a gentle squeeze.

Liora's hand gently rested on top of his as she looked down at them and then turned back to watch the two of them say their vows to each other.

As she sat there, she realized that one day when she gets married, her father wouldn’t be there to walk her down the aisle, and her mother wouldn’t be there to help her get ready.

And as she watched Will and Hayley kiss, a happy yet sad smile came to her face as she clapped and stood along with everyone else.

"Are you okay?" Jackie asked as they started to walk. Liora nodded as she watched everyone walk.

"Are we ever really going to have this?" Liora asked, looking at her sister, who looked at her.

"We have each other, Rory," Jackie said. "And that’s all we really need, right?" She said. Liora nodded with a smile as they walked, and sat as they did, George came over to Cole.

"Are you ready?" He asked. Cole looked at Liora before getting up.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he said and walked up to give his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, hi," Cole said as everyone looked at him. "When Will asked me to make the toast tonight, he wanted two things: keep it short and don’t embarrass him. I gave my solemn promise to both, which is why I’m not gonna mention his… Goth phase," he said.

Liora covered her mouth at the picture that came up of Will with long black hair, a painted white face, and black painted nails.

"Where he painted his room purple and dyed his hair black. I’m definitely not going to mention when our dad caught him smoking behind the stables," Cole said as another picture popped up of Will smoking. Liora kept her mouth covered.

"Because these were not your regular Marlboros, if you know what I mean, and I’m 100% absolutely not going to tell former Principal Sykes," he said, looking to the older man.

"By the way, it’s good to see you here, so that it was indeed William Jefferson John Walter that TP'd his office six years ago after graduation," he said. Liora smiled as she looked to Jackie.

"So I’m not gonna talk about that stuff, but what I am going to talk about is how Will has been an awesome big brother to all of us," Cole said. Liora gave a soft smile. "He’s the one that taught me how to play football. He never got tired of reading lines with Danny or listening to Nathan play the guitar, helping Alex ride, showing Jordan how to use a camera, playing hockey with Parker, skateboarding with Lee, playing video games with Isaac, and reading bedtime stories to Benny," he said.

"That’s just the kind of guy he is, always there for his family and thinking about everybody else before himself," he said, looking around.

"I’m going to tell you how Will met Haley. It was just after New Year’s, and none of us could figure it out why he agreed to a date in the freezing cold," he said, and people laughed. "Or why he went out in 5 feet of snow to see her the next day and the next day. But then we all met Haley and understood."

"So I guess when you meet your person, nothing else really matters," Cole said, looking at Liora. She couldn’t help but smile as she looked away.

"So, Haley, we don’t know how you put up with Will or the rest of us, but we’re glad you do. So, welcome to the family."

"So let’s raise a glass to Will and Haley," he said, as everyone did. "And now the first dance." Liora watched as the two walked out as the music started.

Liora sat and watched as everyone joined, but she just sat there.

"No dancing?" Cole asked as he walked up to her. Liora shook her head with a smile.

"Not really... feeling it," she said. Cole nodded.

"Come on," Cole said. Liora looked at him but stood up only to be stopped.

"I’m sorry, I needed her for a moment," Jackie said, coming up to them. Cole nodded and walked off, and Jackie pulled her to the side.

"Jackie, what—?" she began, but Jackie cut her off.

"Alex told me he loved me," Jackie said. Liora almost laughed but stopped herself when she realized Jackie wasn’t joking.

"What? Are you... no way," Liora said. Jackie nodded.

"I don’t know what to do, Rory. I... I didn’t say anything back. I..." Jackie said. Liora shook her head.

"It’s okay, Jackie. It’s fine, okay?" Liora said. Jackie nodded. "Let’s just have a good time, yeah?" She added as they walked back.

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