17.the white and blue teapot

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Liora sat in Jackie's room, surrounded by boxes. "Jackie, it's not in here," Liora huffed, glancing back at her sister.

"It's right here," Jackie said, holding up the white and blue teapot. Liora got up and walked over to her, looking down at it.

"She should be here," Liora mumbled, lightly touching the teapot. "This should be a happy day," she said, her voice trailing off.

"Let's go," Jackie said as they walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen where everyone was.

"Oh, Rory, Jackie, I got you guys some more tea," Katherine said as Jackie set the teapot down on the counter next to the sink and Liora bent down to retrieve the tea.


"Parker!" Jackie yelled as Liora's head snapped over, taking a step closer to see her late sister's teapot in the sink, broken.

"Rory," Jackie said, leaning back on the counter as Liora closed her eyes.

"Oh, Jackie, I'm so sorry," Katherine said, walking over to the sink and inspecting the damage. "Rory," she said, as Liora crossed her arms over her chest and moved her hands up and down.

"No, no, it's okay," Jackie said, looking at Liora before casting her gaze downward.

Liora said nothing as she kept her head down and stepped back, feeling their eyes on her. "It... it's fine," she mumbled, looking to Jackie. "We can go now," she said, turning to walk away, with Jackie following behind her.

"Hey," Jackie said, grabbing her arm, making Liora look at her. "It's alright," she said, but Liora just moved away.

"One time, Jackie," Liora hissed. "One time I want something to go right, just... one time," she said, her voice cracking as she wiped her eyes to stop the tears from forming.

"Rory..." Jackie started, but stopped when the door opened. Liora quickly turned away and walked to the car, pulling Jackie with her as she got in.

The day had started off difficult, but now it was about to get worse. It was going to be a long day.

Liora let out an aggravated huff as she pulled herself out of the car when they arrived at the school's parking lot. Liora and Jackie quickly made their way to their first class. Luckily for Liora, the class passed in a blur.

"Hey," Liora said, touching Jackie's arm. "I'll see you at lunch, okay," Liora said, then walked off to her class.

"Hey," Liora said, sitting next to Alex with a huff as she looked up at him.

"Hey, are... are you alright?" Alex asked. Liora shrugged. "You just looked really upset this morning," he said. Liora looked up to the ceiling and let out a breath.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Liora said, laying her head down on the desk and keeping her eyes closed. She did this in every class until lunch finally came around.

Liora's eyes scanned the lunchroom, but she didn't see Jackie. She quickly pulled out her phone and saw a one-word message from Jackie: "Bathroom." Liora turned on her heels and walked out of the lunchroom and to the bathroom. When she arrived, she walked up to the stall with the door closed and hit it a couple of times before Jackie opened it.

Liora closed the door behind her and locked it back as she looked at Jackie and then her phone, where she was looking at pictures of their sister.

"Jackie—" Liora cut herself off when the bathroom door opened. Her eyes moved to meet Jackie's as they listened to the two girls outside.

"I need to find someone new to flirt with," one said, making Liora roll her eyes. "I mean, what do you think about the new girls?" she asked, causing Liora's eyes to snap to the door.

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