38.Cole, stop!

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Liora rubbed her tired eyes as she walked down the out. Everyone was discussing what had happened at the bonfire, and she felt the weight of their stares and whispers, as did Jackie.

With a frustrated huff, she exited the building and found Danny. "You know, this situation really sucks," she said, stopping beside him and looking up. "I can't even tell them to shut up because it actually happened. Ugh!"

"Yeah, the four of you seem to be the talk of the town," Danny said with a smile. "I hope it didn't affect your work day."

"It did. People keep asking as if I was going to tell them anything," Liora said. "Anyway, thanks for picking me up." She got into the car as he nodded.

"I really think they should let you have your own car with all the days you're working," Danny said, starting the engine.

"I have asked. That's all I can do," Liora said, having asked more than once. Danny nodded in understanding.

"Would you like to go to the auditorium with me?" Danny asked. Liora nodded. "Alex is going to be there," he added as they pulled into the school.

Liora had worked the first half of the day, but Katherine said she needed to attend her classes after. It was around lunchtime, so she still had a bit of time.

As Liora and Danny walked into the school and headed to the theater room, Alex greeted them. "Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked as he joined them. Liora looked at him, "You barely came out of your room yesterday. Jackie said you were a bit drunk," he said. Liora smiled.

"Yeah, a little more than a bit," she said as they walked down the hall. "It's been a while since I've been hung over," she added. He nodded and looked down.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Alex shook his head with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. It's just..." he started but stopped, making Liora raise her eyebrows. "Have you talked to... Cole?" he asked. She shook her head.

"No, I haven't. Why? Did something happen?" Liora asked. Alex let out a small laugh and shook his head again.

"No, it doesn't matter," he said, looking at her. "So, at the bonfire, I didn't mean to-" Liora cut him off.

"No, no, it's okay. I should thank you. Even if it wasn't exactly for me, it's good to know I have someone, you know," Liora said, smiling at him.

"You're my friend, Rory, and if it was the other way around, you would do it too," he said. "And then Jackie said something about you and Cole, and that you have been... She was just upset, and I thought if I said something, it would help?" he said. Liora nodded.

She knew that wasn't the whole story, but she was fine with what she got. As they walked down the corridors to the auditorium, Liora sat next to Alex and watched as Danny rehearsed, or whatever he was doing, when the door burst open, making Liora's eyes snap back to see Cole walking angrily down the stairs.

He looked furious.

"What the hell, Alex?" Cole said. Liora stood up and looked between them.

"Guys, no, no, okay?" Danny said as Liora took a step back. "Not in the auditorium, please," he said. Liora didn't know what was happening.

"You told Dad I was sneaking girls in?" Cole said as his eyes moved to hers before going back to Alex.

"Cole, come on, stop," Liora said as Danny grabbed him. Cole looked over at her.

"What the hell are you doing here with him?" Cole said. Liora looked at him as if he was crazy. "You were trying to get in my pants the other night, and now you're here with him?"

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