49.Will and Haley's wedding 1

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Liora stood in the kitchen, watching as George prepared cupcakes for Will and Haley's wedding, which was set to take place at the ranch the following day.

"Liora, you're supposed to be helping me," Jackie said as she walked up to her. Liora tilted her head, meeting Jackie's eyes.

"I am helping," Liora replied, putting the spoon back in the bowl before bringing it to her mouth. "I'm making sure George makes the cupcakes well," she explained, as Jackie rolled her eyes.

"More like eating it," George remarked with a smile as Liora struggled to hide her amusement.

"You don't even like cake," Jackie pointed out. Liora looked back up at her and held up a spoon.

"Jackie, this is very good," Liora said with a nod before putting the spoon back in her mouth.

"You won't think that when they're cooked," Jackie replied, making George look at them.

"You really don't like cake?" he asked. Liora shook her head. She enjoyed the batter but didn't like it once it was cooked, more of a texture thing for her.

"No, she hates it," Jackie said, looking away from Liora to George. "Brownies are the only baked item she'll eat," she added.

"Either way, I'm sure they will be good," Liora said to George as Katherine came in through the door.

"Tell me why I thought this was a good idea?" she said, putting down all the wedding items in her hands on the counter.

"When our son asked us to have the wedding here," George said as Jackie looked at Liora.

"Where's your list?" Jackie asked. Liora held it up. "Rory, I need you to take this seriously!" she said, making Liora look at her.

"I've called about the flowers. They'll be here on time, like I already told you. Isaac and Danny have already set up the tents. I've done many events like this, Jackie. I know what to do," Liora said. "The only thing you need to worry about is your..." She trailed off as Jackie hit her hand away.

"Just finish your list," she said as Liora turned and walked out the door, sitting on the outside couch and looking over the list. With only one day to finish all this, it was going to be tough, but she was determined to get it done.

"Hey," Liora's head snapped over to see Cole, to whom she gave a small smile. She had yet to answer him and still didn't know what to say.

"Hey," she said, looking back down.

"There's something I want to talk to you about," Cole said, leaning against the wall as Liora sat back and looked up at him. "Um, what are your plans for the summer?" he asked.

"Um, I don't really know yet," Liora said, looking out where Jackie was standing with Alex. "With Danny going to Julliard and Jackie having her thing... I haven’t really thought about it," she said, nodding.

"If anything, I can spend it with Isaac or something," Liora said. "I'm sure I will find something to do," she added.

"Well, why don’t you... spend the summer with me?" Cole asked. Liora looked at him, confused. She didn’t know he had planned anything. "I... I'm going on a road trip. Maybe you could... I don't know, come?"

"I didn’t know... you were going on a trip," Liora said, rubbing her lips together. "Even if I do say yes, your parents wouldn’t like the idea. Could you imagine the looks on their faces if we asked?"

"Just think about it, Rory," Cole said. "I think some time just me and you, away from everything here, would do some good," he said. Liora slowly nodded.

"I’ll think about it," she said. Cole turned and walked away as Liora got up and walked to Jackie.

"Okay, let’s get this done," Liora said as she started to work on her list.

The next day came too soon, and Liora and Jackie were doing the last-minute things for the wedding; they had 4 hours until it started.

"Isaac," Liora huffed, sitting next to him as she closed her eyes. "She literally had me up till like midnight," she said.

"She wants me to decorate cupcakes," he said. Liora let out a laugh as she shook her head. "What? I can be good at it!" he said.

"And I don’t believe you," Liora said, looking at him. "You? Decorating cupcakes? And being good at it? No," she said, shaking her head again.

"I'm going to show you!" he said. Liora nodded, but he stopped and looked at her. "Oh... I see what you did. She was going to ask you if I didn’t, and you just..." he said, lips pursed.

"Have fun," Liora said, and walked away and outside. "Oh! Uncle Richard!" she said, running up to him and hugging him.

"Rory," he said, pulling back. "How are you doing? How’s the wrist?" he asked, looking her up and down.

"Good, it’s healing very well, actually," Liora said, and she looked at Will, then back.

"I’m going to get settled and talk to Will, so find me in an hour or so, okay?" he said. Liora nodded.

"I've got something to do anyways," she said, holding up her list before walking off.

"Liora!" She stopped and looked over to where Jackie was walking back and forth; she didn’t look happy. "The dog ate the flowers, so you're going to have to make one. You’ve done it before, you know how. I needed you to make one," she said when Liora got to her.

"Jackie, where am I supposed to get flowers that fit the theme of it?" Liora asked. Jackie just shrugged.

"Figure it out, please," Jackie said and walked away. Liora looked back at the four boys standing there.

"Where can I find flowers?" Liora asked.

"I can take you to get some," Cole said. Liora looked down before nodding. "It won’t take long," he said.

"Okay," Liora said before looking at Isaac and Lee. "Hey, finish the cupcakes," she said and walked off with Cole to the barn.

Cole helped her up on the horse before they made their way away from the house.

"Cole, how long is this going to take?" she asked, looking over at him.

"Like 30 minutes at most," he said. Liora let out a huff; there was still so much to do. "Here," he said, getting off, and she followed.

"Wow, these are beautiful," Liora said, looking over the flowers. "So, how’s the speech coming?" she asked as she sat and started to gather the flowers.

"Still working on it," he said. "I don’t know why he wanted me to do it; someone else would have been better," he said.

"Just be honest, Cole. It can’t go wrong if you do," Liora said. Cole gave her a small smile.

"Hey, about that road trip," he started, looking at her. "It might have to be pushed back a bit," he said, making Liora look up at him in question.

"Summer school," he said. Liora nodded.

"You know it’s good you're doing that, Cole," she said. He nodded. "See, you'll figure it out," she added.

"Rory, about the other night when the truck broke down," Cole said. "I know I said to take your time, but I just want to know where your head's at with it right now." Liora slowly nodded.

"Cole, it's more complex than a simple yes or no," Liora said. "A lot of things have changed. I mean, what if Jackie gets that school thing? I..." She stopped.

"You'd go back with her?" he said.

"I don't know. It's just a lot to think about," Liora said. Cole nodded.

"Just really think about it, Rory," he said. "And don't think about other people. Think about what you want." Liora nodded.

"I think this is good," she said, standing. "We'd better get back before Jackie goes crazy," she said as they walked back to the horses.

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