27.I missed you

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Liora observed as Jackie handed a bag to the man, her eyes moving down and then up to Erin with a small smile as Jackie walked back.

"Only 3 houses to go," she said, stopping next to Liora as the three of them walked down the street.

"Why aren't you with your family?" Jackie asked, looking at Erin. "Me and Rory can take over if you want to go home," she offered. Erin shook her head.

"My mom isn't really into Thanksgiving," Erin replied. Liora glanced over at her.

"Your dad?" Liora inquired as she walked alongside them.

"My dad died when I was ten," Erin explained, causing Liora to look down. If she had known that, she wouldn't have asked.

"Sorry," Liora said.

"The holidays are hard, but you guys are just figuring that out," Erin said. Liora looked at Jackie, who was looking at her. "The first year is the hardest, all the They'll never's," she said, causing Liora to cast her eyes down.

"They'll never hear their favorite song again or watch a track meet or get to go on that trip they talked about. They'll never..." Erin said but stopped as Liora's hand gripped tighter on the bag.

"Celebrate another Thanksgiving," Jackie finished. Liora just kept quiet as she listened, and Erin nodded. Liora's eyes moved around as she rubbed her lips together; she really didn't want to talk about this.

"I know what it's like," Erin said, looking from Jackie to Liora as they kept walking. "And I know that it's three times worse for you guys," she said. Liora gave her a smile as her hand rubbed her eyes.

"I'm sorry about your dad," Liora said, looking up at her.

"I'm sorry about your family," Erin said. Liora nodded as they made their way to dropping off the last bags. As they got to their last stop, Jackie's phone kept going off in Liora's hand.

"Jackie, it's katherine, and I'm not answering it!" Liora said, walking up to her and handing her the phone as Jackie answered it.

"She probably wants to know when we're coming back," Liora said to Erin, but both of them jumped when Jackie suddenly got happy, her voice growing louder, making Liora wince.

"What!? Okay, okay, we'll hurry!" Jackie said, then turned to Liora. "Uncle Richard is here!" she said. Liora smiled a real smile.

"Here? On the phone?" Liora said, but Jackie quickly hung up and looked to Erin.

"We have to get back, but let's do this last bag," Jackie said. Erin tried to stop her. Liora didn't want to be rude, but she wanted them to hurry up.

"If we're done, then who's this last bag for?" Jackie asked, making Liora look to Erin.

"You must have miscounted," Liora said.

"It's mine," Erin said. Liora looked up at her with raised eyebrows. "I took it because my mom is going to be at the school late grading papers, which she likes to do on holidays because, you know, holidays suck." Liora was taken aback; she would have never guessed that Erin's life was like this.

Liora watched as Erin walked off to the driver's side door before turning to Jackie. "You can have the front this time," she said, and got into the back.

As Jackie got in, she had a smile on her face. "You should come to the Walters'," she said. Liora's eyes snapped to the side of Jackie's face. Liora might be okay with Erin now, but that didn't mean she was okay with having her at the places she had to live, and everything that had happened with Cole. This would be very awkward.

"No," Erin said, laughing.

"I'm serious," Jackie persisted. Liora laid her head back and closed her eyes. "There are like a thousand kids already," she said. Liora just sat there with her eyes closed. She wouldn't have let her sit in the front if she had known.

"I couldn't," Erin said, and Liora nodded in agreement, not that they would see it anyways. But once Cole was brought up, Liora stopped listening. She just wanted to know why every conversation always led back to Cole.

"I'm not feeling festive, so we can keep each other company," Jackie said, and Liora was a bit affronted. Was her company that bad?

"Okay," Erin said as she drove off. "Great," Liora thought. This wasn't going to be good for her, but she would play nice for a few more hours for Jackie.

When they pulled up to the house, Liora didn't waste any time. She jumped out and rushed in, not waiting for either of the other two. She opened the door quickly and booked it inside.

"Oh! You made it!" Katherine said.

"Surprise!" her uncle said, stepping out into the doorway. Liora almost broke into tears as she ran up to him, her arms wrapped around his neck as he picked her up and spun her around.

"I missed you," he said as Liora held him a bit tighter.

"I missed you too," Liora said as she pulled back and looked at him. "I can't believe you're here!" she said with a big smile.

"Oh, I missed that smile," he said as the door opened and in walked Jackie and Erin. "There she is," he said as Jackie ran to him giving him a hug before they made their way to the kitchen, then headed to the living room.

Maybe this wouldn't be too bad.

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