10.the downstairs bathroom

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Liora jogged along the path ahead of Nathan and Jackie, maintaining a steady pace throughout the entire run without stopping or slowing down. However, as the house came into view, she paused and glanced back at the two, who were quite a distance behind.

Liora stood there, waiting for them as they slowly caught up. "I didn't realize you were so fast," Nathan remarked as he stopped next to her.

"Yeah, well, once she gets going, she goes," Jackie said, letting out a huff as she looked at the house. "So far," she mumbled.

"Hey, do you want to race?" Liora suggested, turning to face them. "Whoever loses has to buy pizza for us, and we can watch a movie or something," she added, looking at them with a mischievous grin.

"Oh! You're going to break your diet?" Jackie teased, looking Liora up and down, and Liora smiled.

"I need a fun night," Liora said, looking down and kicking the rocks around with her foot.

"Okay, I'm in," Nathan said with a smile, while Jackie huffed and nodded.

"We are going to lose," Jackie said to Nathan, as Liora smiled. "Ready? Set... go!" The three took off running, with Liora using her powerful legs to push herself forward and outrun them all.

"Yay!" Liora said, looking back at them. "Pepperoni!" she said.

"I told you," Jackie said as they made their way into the house. It was deadly silent in the kitchen, where the three boys sat at the smaller table, still not looking happy.

"Good morning," Jackie said as Liora walked around her to get tea. No one said anything to her, making Liora feel like they really took this "not telling" rule seriously.

"Come on, you guys," Nathan sighed, looking over at the group. Liora found it a little funny, but they had brought it upon themselves, and she was a little fed up with their behavior.

"Hold on. Is everyone mad at me?" Jackie asked, looking at Liora.

"Well, I would say it was me. I was the one who told," Liora said, not particularly concerned about whether they were mad or not.

"Well, you did press the nuclear snitch button," Nathan remarked. Liora let out a small laugh at Nathan's words and shrugged.

"They want to do s-" Jackie cut her off.

"Don't," she said. Liora rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.

"They're mad at Alex too," Nathan added, and Liora looked at Alex, who waved at them.

"Join the club,"

"They'll get over it."

Liora hummed as Katherine walked into the kitchen in a hurry. "Hey, girls," she said. Liora looked down as Jackie gave a smile. "How are you doing this morning?" she asked.

"I'm okay," Jackie said with a shrug. Liora didn't say anything, though she did talk to George. She felt as if she had to— he was the only one up, and if she hadn't talked to him, he would have known she was avoiding them. But she wasn't the only one up now, and she didn't have to talk. Jackie could.

"Rory, I saw you this morning. That was very impressive," Katherine said. Liora gave her a smile as she brought her cup up to her lips and looked down.

"Did you see the video?" That made Liora's head snap up to look over at Jackie, who looked down.

"I did. And Isaac is gonna pay you back for the hair dye out of his allowance," Katherine said. Liora shook her head; she didn't want his money. "And he and Cole owe you an apology, Isaac."

"I'm sorry, Jackie," he said, his jaw clenching as the words left his mouth in a rather harsh manner.

"And Rory?" Katherine pushed, as he sat up and pulled money out of his pocket and handed it to her, but Liora didn't take it. Isaac raised his eyebrows as she just looked at him.

"I don't want it," Liora said, looking away from him. "It's your money; keep it. You worked for it," she mumbled. She wasn't going to take it. She didn't need it. Jackie was her sister, and she could buy her a $10 hair box.

Everyone looked a little taken aback, but Liora wasn't going to take it.

"Okay... well, I'm thinking now that for the three girls in the house, the downstairs bathroom is just for Jackie, Rory, and Parker," Katherine said, looking at the boys. Liora still didn't look up. This was not going to be good, and it really wasn't her business. This isn't her house, nor is it her family.

"They just got here, and they already have their own bathroom?" Lee exclaimed. Liora just drank her tea as she looked away.

"Excuse me?" Katherine said, looking at him in shock.

"Really, Katherine. Forget it," Jackie said, turning around and walking out the front door.

"Jackie," Katherine called after her, which made Lee scoff.

"I knew you'd take her side," Lee said as he stood up from the table and walked out the side door in anger.


Liora looked down at the breakfast on the counter, no longer having an appetite. She watched Alex get up from his seat and run after Jackie.

Liora finished her tea, placed her cup in the sink, then looked at Nathan. "I'm... I'm not really feeling up for the movie night anymore," she said and started to walk away.

"What? No! Rory, come on, I'll get extra pepperoni," he pleaded, but she just shook her head.

"Maybe next time," Liora said, walking up the stairs to her room.

Liora lay in her bed, playing her music and closing her eyes as she let the songs play and her body relax. She remained there for three or four songs before getting up to go find Jackie.

When Liora found her with Alex and a smile on her face, it made Liora smile to see her happy. "Rory, I jumped!" Jackie said as Liora walked over to her.

"You jumped?" Liora asked, looking around the old barn to see a loft and a haystack under it. "You jumped from up there?" she said. Jackie nodded.

"Yeah, she did," Alex said with a smile. "You should do it," he said, looking at Liora, who shook her head.

"I've jumped off higher ones," Liora said as she moved away a bit.

"What are you doing?" the three snapped their heads over when Cole's voice was heard. Liora looked back at Jackie and rolled her eyes. Jackie grabbed Alex's arm and pulled him away, saying something about telling her more about some book, leaving Liora with Cole.

"I'm going for a ride," he said, his eyes moving over her.

Liora just nodded as she turned away.

"Want to go?" he asked, making Liora look back at him.

"On that thing? No," she said, shaking her head. She had never ridden a horse a day in her life.

"Do you know how to ride?" Cole asked.


"Want me to show you?" he offered.


"Okay, I'm sorry," he said. Liora's eyes moved over him and stopped at his wrist, where her scrunchie was. "Let me take you for a ride." Liora closed her eyes and let out a breath.

"One ride."

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