7. His Touch

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I'm like a sack of potatoes on Xander's shoulders. He walks like I'm not an extra burden and I'm as light as cotton. My legs had already been locked by him so that all I could move was my upper body and my hand which hit his back which didn't produce any response from Xander. It was actually my hand that felt sore when I hit his back, which was too big and too muscular.

"I—I haven't finished talking yet."

Xander didn't care. His steps remained steady until my body landed on the bed which was much softer than yesterday.

My panic skyrocketed when Xander untied his pants. His gaze never left me who was sitting stiffly on the bed. I couldn't move because I was too afraid of what would happen, but my eyes wouldn't lower to see clearly what was happening when the pants were around his wrists.

This will be the first time I see Zorion's male body as well as male bodies in general. I'm curious of course, but fear is the most dominant feeling now. I've given consent, but I haven't prepared myself mentally to have sex for the first time.

Should I tell Xander or let him do as he wants?

The big ball in my throat made it hard to breathe. Especially when Xander walked closer and his knees were up on the bed. My gaze didn't need to lower to see something dangling between his legs. Moving every time he took a step closer. It was too long and big for humans.

Xander is dangerous. It feels like everyone knows that. There is no doubt in every move that I know must have been carefully thought out. He could not have been in the high position he is now without long-term plans and strategies in every war.

Now, his long term plan is to have children and his strategy is to get me pregnant.

"I've never had sex!" I shouted loudly and that one sentence managed to make his hand hang in the air when he was about to reach my arm.

Xander furrowed his brows again. His eyes swept over my body from the top of my head and down to my legs which were wearing a skirt open to my thighs. His eyes laser focused on something between my legs.

He was surprised of course. Prostitution is normal and women tend to give it up easily. Virginity is also not considered something that can be given to a loved one, but rather as a medium of exchange because of its high value. Survival is the only way now. Love cannot fill you up and protect you from two suns and a blizzard that can come at any time. No one can survive the cruel weather if exposed for too long.

"You've never been with a man before?"

I shook my head.

How can I fall in love if all my life I curse the man who brought me into the world with blue skin like him? Then I was busy working in the fields to support my mother and my life when she started to get sick. Not to mention the many ways of hiding that I have to do to stay under the government's radar and avoid this ridiculous marriage program.

"What do you do to eat?"

I showed him my rough, calloused hands as proof. "I tend the fields, cut trees to burn in the fireplace, catch animals for food, sell the produce of my fields at the market." It does take a lot of effort, but rather than selling myself on the side of the road and risking being killed when a man doesn't want to pay, I prefer that my hands are not smooth like most women.

Xander took both of my hands. His hands were much bigger and no better than mine. Even more calloused.

"Just the two of you with your mother? In the middle of the forest?" He continued asking. I didn't know that he had other interests besides having children. But if this can buy me some time, I'll be happy to answer any questions.

Xander's thumb ran across my palm. Starting from the tips of my fingers to the heel of my hand. His forest green eyes followed the movement of his thumb.

"It's easier to find food." And hide, I continued to myself.

Neither of us spoke. I assumed he was taking pity on my difficult life, but instead he said something else that proved he was a practical being. "Are we done with his little chat? I do not have much time."

What do I expect from creatures that invade other planets for their domination?

In one slow push and my head was still busy looking for ways to buy time, Xander was on top of me who was lying on my back on the bed. The head of his penis was in front of my crotch which was still covered in underwear with veins sticking out and looked very angry.

Xander ripped the front of my bra and skirt. My hands automatically covered my chest so he couldn't see parts of my body that no man had ever seen.

"Will I find any eavesdroppers on your clothes or any part of your body?" I stared at him uncomprehending. "Are there any bugs on your clothes or other parts of your body?" Hir eyes dropped to my crotch.

I had to blink twice to realise he wasn't joking. He thought I put a bug in my vagina? Has he gone crazy?

Xander's hands were much faster than I expected, he had already ripped off my panties until I was completely naked underneath. There are no sexual moves, everything is calculated and fast.

He examined my body from the head again. "Your hand."

I shook my head, but Xander grabbed my wrists and he locked them above my head. His eyes swept across areas he shouldn't be looking at. He then let go of my hand and sat between my open legs.

"Spread your labia."

The fuck? How could I do that? I myself never even touched the part down there because there was no privacy in our hut. I automatically never do sexual things or talk about things with my mother. I know body anatomy because I read books, including the sheets of paper that Troia gave me last night. To increase our knowledge, she said.

I gaped at him in disbelief then anger roared to the surface.

Xander raised his gaze to meet my eyes again. "Do it or I will do it myself."

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