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— Alyssa's POV —


Growing up as the rich kid in middle school had its perks, everyone wanted to be friends with me, I had designer clothes on, purses kids would die for, and makeup covering every inch of smooth baby soft skin my face had. But, of course then I hadn't gone through puberty or had my awkward stage. No, that hit later than I expected. Specifically my first day of high school.

My first class went smoothly, it was more difficult than what I was used to, I was no longer the popular kid, but I thought to myself it wouldn't take long for word to spread who I was. Well, mother nature came to ruin that and I got my first ever period as I walked down the hall to my next class.

Of course, I chose to wear white pants that day to add to the chaos. And you see, my family don't talk about personal things, so I was the least bit prepared as you could expect.

Soon enough everyone found out, I was known as the girl with blood all over her pants the first year. The second year, I was the girl who was never in school.

Depression hit me just like my first period did. Out of no where, a massive earth shattering thing happened and I was done. I missed most classes that year, I was certain I was gonna have to retake but thankfully I picked myself up quick enough to recover my grades and carry on with the rest of my class.

Although I've got my depression handled and I'm coping, it's not in the healthiest of ways. It's been close to three years that I've been working through the pain in my mind with physical pain. I say to myself that it helps and I believe it, but I know deep down the depression left a long time ago, I'm just stuck with an addiction I can't break.

As I wrap another guilty moment on my wrist with bandages, I hear my mother wallowing down the halls, calling me for breakfast.

Every day is the same. I wake up, I go on my phone, I check the two notifications from my friend, I get ready for school, pulling on oversized clothes to cover my body, brushing my wavy brunette hair, and roughly putting some mascara on to hide the lack of sleep I get. I either have a panic attack and self harm, or my mother gets their first with her calls for breakfast saving me one more day from ruining more of my skin.

I used to love school, now I dread it. Everyday I wake up, praying for it be over. And if it wasn't that I wanted to please my parents so badly, I wouldn't go at all.

Today's gonna suck.



I hope you like this so far... I know it got dark fast, but I promise she gets happier as the book goes on. This is just life sometimes.

If you're struggling please talk to someone, don't suffer in silence. As someone who's dealt with depression & sh for four years, it helps so much to have someone by your side. ily all <3

I hope you enjoyed this little chapter and insight into Alyssa and who they are.

Pls vote & Comment.

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