Chapter 9.

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— Alyssa's POV —

I'm usually an overly anxious person when it comes to a new place or going out anywhere, but with Scarlotte beside me, not one bad thought runs through my mind, all I can think about is her and what she's planning on buying today.

She has that confident stride in her step and it's almost contagious. I am in awe of her genuinely, everything she does I take pride in and maybe I'm obsessed, but god, she's amazing.

Once school was finished for the day, I messaged my parents saying that I'd be out for the night, and we went on our way. Of course, I was driving and Scarlotte was the passenger princess like usual. We listened to music on the drive, and suddenly we had arrived like time had flashed before our eyes.

We both agreed that the first thing we would do would be looking for swim suits since that is what brought us to the mall in the first place, and we would only have around two hours at max before stores started to close so we were on a slight time crunch, and the last thing I want is to come away without the things we needed.

My mind has been circling around with Scarlotte's words earlier by what she meant when she said sexy things. Did she mean clothes? Lingerie? Toys? I have no idea and I doubt I'll have many answers until she shows me.

It takes us around two or three stores to find a decent place that sells swimsuits that are somewhat cute. You'd think living in LA where must people own pools and have a beach as a backyard there would be more of a selection in stores, but nope.

I decided quite early on that I wanted to get a two piece bikini because I had never had one before, and I think if my mom found out I owned one she would through a fit so that urged me on further.

I wasn't sure what colour or style I wanted though, I don't exactly have the biggest boobs so I needed something that didn't make me look like I was as flat chested as I am. The last thing I want is people thinking I look like a boy on our class trip - I want to look cute and hot.

I'm still grasping onto the hope that puberty will continue to hit me late and give me the boobs I've wished for since I was fourteen, but I certainly doubt my hopes and prayers will be answered with anything more than B cup.

"I'm thinking of doing a one piece, what do you think?" Scarlotte holds up a dark red suit, ties on either side where her hips would be, and my imagination goes wild.

"If you don't buy it, I'll buy it for you." I tell her, and she giggles in reply, putting it in the cart we have. I don't know why we got a cart since we really are just here for two things, but if we do decide to get anything at least we can throw our bags in there and don't have to carry them.

And so she gets the red one piece, and I decide on a royal blue bikini with push up padding so my girls can get all the help they can get.

Forty dollars later we walk out with our swimsuits bought, looking around the mall for our next stop. I have no idea where we're going and what stores are where, so I follow Scarlotte round like a lost puppy until we reach a coffee shop.

"Hungry?" She asks me and I nod eagerly, my stomach growling as I smell the baked goods. "Find us a seat and I'll get us some things."

I feel bad letting her pay, knowing she isn't in the best financial place right now and what's in my bank right now, but I do as she asks, sitting down at a small booth in the corner, and I take out my phone, checking my notifications.

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