Chapter 19.

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— Alyssa's POV —

The only thing I've ever wanted my whole life was to make my parents proud. In my darkest moments, what kept me going - what made me wake up every day - was knowing that my parents would be so happy at the end of it all, it would all finally pay off.

Every low moment that has hit me in the past, the only thing that would run through mind was this moment right now, and that it all would've been worth it, and my god, how true I was.

Every late night, every last minute study session, it all paid off. Through blood, tears and frustration, I made it, and it was all worth it to hear my dads whistles and my moms cheers through the crowd as I walk across the large stage, graduating high school.

The sun beams down on me, the football field covered in lines of chairs that seat students, faculty and parents erupting into cheers and claps as I take my high school diploma in my shaky hands, the tassel on my graduation cap being flipped over by the head of my year, wishing me well as he does.

"Good luck on your next adventure." I can only smile to keep my prideful tears away, looking out to the crowd seeing Scarlotte's smile out of all the other students, my anxiety disapearing.

I walk off the stage with my head held high, returning to my seat with the rest of my classmates, smiling to myself as I look down at my diploma.

I did it.

As they do every year, students get called out alphabetically, and as much as I wish the letter L would be next to R, it isn't, so unfortunately Scarlotte is sat two rows behind me, anxious to get her own diploma.

It isn't too long though, when her name finally gets called, and I hop up from my chair, cheering and clapping like my parents did for me. I never expected her mom to come - sure, it would've been nice - but it was her brothers absence that shocked me more than anything.

And so I cheer louder than ever, watching her get her diploma, her smile radiating through the crowd til it reaches me.

The sun beams down on her blonde hair, and I can't help but feel everything I have ever suppressed for her come out in this moment.

She looks like a princess, my princess, and my god, I love her.

Tears spring to my eyes quickly, and I can't help but pull her into my arms when she walks back into the crowd, emotions bursting through me.

"Well done, angel." I whisper to her and she kisses my cheek only slightly before pulling back, looking into my eyes, smiling. "You did so good."

"So, did you." She sits down beside me now as there was a seat spare, and we watch the reception carry on around us, my head laying heavy on her shoulder, soaking in the moment.

I actually love her. It doesn't take a genius to workout that I had feelings for Scar, but until this very moment, I didn't realise just how much those feelings have grown for the girl I once called my enemy.

I let out a heavy sigh, melting into her side, sitting with my emotions as I watch on with the rest of the ceremony.

I never realised how tedious graduation was until it dawned on me that there was yet another hundred students to be called out after Scarlotte. It was just short of forty minutes until our head of year spoke into the microphone, the static ringing throughout the football field as he does, all of the students cringing, the noise almost too painful to hear.

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