Chapter 16.

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— Alyssa's POV —

Our class trip couldn't have gone better, of course we had our own up and downs, but everything we had planned worked out perfectly, and I had such a good time.

I decided on the way home that there was no point keeping the secret of me and Scarlotte from Rory any longer and since everyone will know soon, I would rather them find out from me rather than someone else.

They were much happier hearing that Scarlotte was my girlfriend than when I first told them that she was my friend which caused me to be confused, but I gave into the feeling, passing it aside and told Rory all the details they quickly begged for.

It was quite late by the time we got home, me and Scarlotte went our separate ways with a longing kiss neither of us wanted to break. And since I got home, I haven't left my bed since other than to eat and go to the bathroom.

It was a fun trip, but it definitely tired me out, and so as school comes to a close and classes now are voluntary, not once have I woken up and thought to go in, soaking in the calm days before prom and graduation come and hit me in the face at full speed ahead.

It's been four days since I got home now, and all I've done since I found comfort in my bed is look up places I want to travel on my gap year. I've yet to decide what to do after graduation and where to go, so I've been doing a vision board for the year upcoming.

I want to get a part time job - preferably online so I can work while I travel - because even though my parents would support me financially, I'd like to earn money myself and support my own future without relying on them. Also work experience will look amazing for college applications and future jobs when I do end up settled.

I've been speaking to Scarlotte quite a lot the past few days, we have yet to see each other again since we said goodbye off the coach, but facetimes have been a blessing in disguise.

She's in a similar position to myself, she applied for one college - Yale - but got denied, she told me that she couldn't afford to apply anywhere else and that was her dream college, so she's deciding to take a gap year as well, working for most of it so she can save up to apply to more colleges in the new year.

I want to spend our gap year together, but I have no idea how to ask her, I am looking forward to travelling the states, and if she wants to work her ass off, I don't think it could work. I'm not exactly the most stable person when it comes to staying in one place, so it could be very difficult.

I'm also afraid it may be too early in this relationship to ask her. It's a big commitment to be away from home together for what could be up to a year, and maybe it is too early.

"Hey, spacey." Scarlotte's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, and I smile, looking at her on my phone screen. "What do we think about working a KFC together?"

"Ha, no." I tell her, and she rolls her eyes. "What do you want to do career wise anyways? Think from there."

"I'm not sure, honestly, I'd love to be an artist, a painter maybe, but that's not exactly something I could make money from in the long run."

"Well, you never know. You could build up a portfolio over the next year, there's amazing art programs colleges you could apply to." I tell her, "You'd be an amazing artist."

"Yeah?" She asks, and I nod my head. "What about you?"

"I wanna do Photography. My dream would be to photograph celebrities at concerts and whatnot." I tell her, "I'm travelling this year, so I'm gonna build my own portfolio when I'm on the road, and hopefully I'll get into my dream school; California Institute Of The Arts. I just don't have the portfolio right now to apply, and I wanna make sure this is what I really want."

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