Chapter 14.

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— Alyssa's POV —

It wasn't long before we got back from the waterpark and off the coach when Scarlotte was rushing back to our room to shower off the chlorine and wash her hair. Apparently it was frizzy and felt like straw, and although I disagreed - her hair will always be soft and beautiful - I didn't feel the need to actually tell me.

The last thing I wanted was an argument, and when she nicely asked me to join her, I couldn't exactly deny her and say no. So as the hot water ran over us, we washed each other down, giggling at how horrible to water pressure is as the scent of apple filled the air around us.

We took our time getting ready, washing our hair, shaving and of course, washing all the sunscreen we lathered up on ourselves today. And once we finally shut off the water, we ran into the room and dived under the duvet, trying to stay warm.

The attempt to keep warm was a sly excuse to have her naked body pressed up against mine, stealing kisses from her as I do, having a firm grip on her ass, taking in every inch of her beautiful skin.

I'm obsessed with her.

Through kisses we slowly started to piece together a plan for tonight, and wonder what on earth will actually happen tonight and what drama will unfold, and I can only hope for once it doesn't involve us.

I wanna keep my head down tonight, eat some good food, have fun with Scarlotte, and God forbid, we have an early night without any tears and drama.

"Hm, wait, dress or shorts?" Scarlotte pulls away from another of our kisses and I furrow my brows in confusion, waiting for my brain to warm up and work to understand her. "To wear tonight, babe, do I go nice and easy with a dress or just throw on some shorts with a cute shirt?"

"Depends." I kiss her neck, slowly getting distracted by her once again. "What colour is the dress? And how slutty is it?"

"It's a yellow sundress, so not very." She pulls back to take a quick look at me. "Stop thinking about sex, we have like fifteen minutes."

"That's enough time." I shrug my shoulders, leaning into kiss her again, but she pulls away and I whine. "Babe."

"No, it's not and you know it's not. Once I get my hands on you, food will be finished and gone. We can't." She gets up and out of the bed, walking over to our suitcases we've laid out on chairs - not bothering to unpack at all and just grabbing what we need when we need it. "So, the dress?"

I sit up in bed, threading my fingers through my hair as I brush it out of my face, and I smile over at her as she picks up the dress to show me. "Yes, I love it, wear the dress."

"What are you going to wear? And don't say lingerie or something stupid like that."

"Ha, Ha." I give her a faux laugh, "Seriously, I don't know what to wear. Um, do you want to have a look through my case and pick something for me? I'll wear anything."

"Ooo, yes, yes. This is my time to shine."

"I'm starting to think there's something wrong with the way I dress, you're always so excited to pick out outfits for me, I don't know if I should be questioning my own taste."

"No, it's not that. I just like making up outfits, and unfortunately a girl can only wear one outfit at a time, so while you're willing, babe, you're my model."

"Hm, I like the sound of that." I crawl onto my knees, taking a hold of her hand and her eyes stare right back into mine. "I would beg, but we have ten minutes, so can I please touch you until we have to leave? I promise I'll make you cum. I need you."

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