Chapter 2.

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— Alyssa's POV —

Ever since we got to my house, it's been... weird. My mom was acting like a normal mother. She offered to cook my favourite meal - personally, I thought she would've forgot it - and gave me a bunch of snacks to take up to my room.

She never lets food upstairs.

Scarlotte has been quiet. Actually that's the biggest understatement of the year. Not one word has been spoke between us. Unless it's me nagging her to help me and actually do as Professor Samson says, there's never a reply.

And even though it's horrible, it's painful, it's nagging and exhausting, the company was... nice?

I never have anyone over at my house. I'm a private person for a reason. I don't like people knowing I'm from money. Middle school me was a different Alyssa, I boasted every second about the credit cards I had, and the designer clothes I owned, but now, I couldn't think about anything more annoying.

I would hate my younger self if I met her now.

As well as money, my sexuality and personal problems stay hidden from everyone. My bedroom is the only place where I feel like I can be my true self. No one comes up here, it's just my space and I can do whatever I want with it.

I have LED lights strung up every inch of the room, blue lighting up the room at all times. Posters cover all four walls, varying from different artists, bands and tv shows I like. The lesbian pride flag hung up above my canopy bed that lays in the centre of the room, and my own living room follows to the left, a small couch and tv just cuddled up into the corner of my room. The right has my own bathroom with a shower tub combo, a double basin counter and an automatic toilet.

I'm surprised I said yes so quickly to Scarlotte, especially how our first interaction went like. She's a gossip, a bully and loves to make fun of people. But I daren't say no to her, I didn't want to make a scene, and I certainly didn't want anymore drama with her if we were doing this assignment together.

Together would be what we were doing, but no, of course I'm doing it on my own. And honestly, I'd rather just get it done as fast as possible so she can leave and I can sleep. It's easier than I thought, not as difficult as the previous ones he's handed out in the past.

I say I hate biology but really, it did make me want to get into the medical field at one point, but I soon realised that would be a lost cause. I'm extremely nervous around people who are sick, I have too much trauma, and honestly, I doubt they'd hire me with how bad my mental health is. I would be a loose canon.

Also med school is tough, and you're in it for the long haul. I am known to be indecisive. I can't just decide half way through that I want to quit. I would waste years of my life doing that.

I look up at her, seeing her type away on her phone and I can only roll my eyes. She hasn't helped me once. I've asked her multiple times now and I don't even get a murmur back from her, so each time I've carried on.

Although I do hate her, I try my best to make my handwriting look like it's from two people, making one slightly more messy and the other neat. I don't need to cover for her, but it's not just her grade on the line, and I don't wanna fail.

I keep thinking to myself, maybe I am just being bitter for holding such a grudge from three years ago. Maybe I shouldn't be mad at all, maybe after all these years she doesn't even remember me, that incident and what she did to me. Maybe I shouldn't hate her, and put it all behind me.

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