Movie Night

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Have you ever watched a horror movie with a really annoying person? I'm sure you probably think I'm referring to the person who guesses every event, or even tries to guess who the killer is right off the bat. No the person I'm referring to is the person who always says..

"I could have survived that".

You see I had a group of friends over for a horror movie night, nothing crazy just the Rob zombie Halloween movies, as I said nothing to crazy. I love watching horror movies but admittedly for the wrong reason. You see most people watch horror movies for the story, the nostalgia,  or for the thrill of the scare... But I watch them to see people die in extremely violent ways. Something about watching someone ruthlessly murder people for a solid 2 hours just gives a hint of joy.

I could go on for hours but then this story would take all night and there isn't much time..

This all happened after the events of the first movie we all sat down, talked about the movie and had a smoke. After about two puffs we started talking about what we would have done had we been put in such a situation. My friend Harry was the first to speak up.

"I'd most likely be the first to go," Harry began. "can't run, can't climb, I'd most likely run straight into the killer's arms.

We all shared a laugh. We all took another puff and then Casey chimed in

"I would last a minute or two but I'd probably die too" Casey laughed as she handed the joint over to Melisa who then smirked.

"Guess you're gonna ask me next? Melisa scoffed.

I nodded, as did everyone else,

"Yeah that's kinda the game" I teased. She looked at me with a now frustrated demeanor.

"People in these movies are flat out idiots." Melisa began. " I swear half of the people in these movies only ever die because of poor decisions." Melisa continued.

Everyone in the room shot her the same confused stare, Everyone wanted to call her on the comment she had just made. See the worst thing about Melisa was that she loved to flex. If you had a car, she had a better one, if you make good money, she has to make more. We all couldn't figure out why she felt the need to sit there and talk tough when we all knew fully that if ever she were face to face with any danger at all she'd curl up and cry

"I bet your ignorance would get you killed first" Casey said as she handed Melisa the joint that had almost been smoked down to a roach. Melisa's angry expression had turned to a laugh.

"Please." She began "it's a dude in a mask who doesn't run, doesn't jump, and would never catch me" Melisa giggled.

"You would trip over your own feet, or lock yourself out of the damn house with your keys in your hand." Casey teased.

I sat there quietly as they got into a small debate about who would live longer if face to face with a killer, and after a short time Casey stood up and pulled her keys out of her pocket.

"I'm heading out, see you back at home." Casey said calmly as she walked toward the door. This got everyone else but Melisa to pack up and leave as well. Everyone left silently except my friend Harry. He stopped right in front of Melisa and stared at her for a moment, just as I was about to call him out for his actions he spoke

"Everyone is tough until they wake up in a fucked up situation, then it all changes." He said coldly. The words literally changed the temperature in the room and sent a chill down my spine. He then walked past Melisa and opened the door.

"You two be safe now" Harry said as he exited the house. Melisa and I just stared at each other for a moment before the silence was finally broken.

"Some friend Harry is huh?" Melisa teased as she began rolling another joint. I stared at the door for a moment admittedly worried about what Harry had just said. The way he spoke to her was chilling, I was actually worried for her.

"I just met him honestly" I began calmly starting to calm myself down. Melisa stared at me for a moment in confusion.

"From the looney bin?" She asked smiling. "He gives me serious serial killer vibes." She continued as she finished rolling the joint and held it in front of me.

"In or out" Melisa teased as she waved it around like a magic wand in front of my face. Me being paranoid already from the recent events I didn't really find it smart to smoke at the moment.

"Nah, all you." I replied as I began the next Halloween movie. I was now calm enough to watch the movie, but I couldn't help but ponder on the words Harry spoke. Was he simply trying to scare us or were we actually sitting in a room with a dangerous man.

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