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Casey woke up hanging upside down in a white dimly lit room. Her clothes had been removed, her hair hung down to the floor nearly touching it. Her hands had been tied behind her back not allowing her to move them at all. She didn't remember anything. One second she's watching her friends by the car and after that nothing. She felt panic as she looked around the room to find that the floor as well as the walls had been covered in plastic wrap. She began to cry as she slowly began to remember the reason why they were searching the car. Casey began to sob tears dripped down her face down to the floor. The reality of the situation was hitting her more and more by the second.  She began to try to swing herself around but she could barely move. Casey's cries turned to loud terrified screams.

She screamed for several minutes before the door to the room opened and a large shirtless figure wearing a black mask entered the room. Casey felt terrified as she saw what the person was carrying in their hand. The figure was holding a chain with a hook on the end of it. The figure then walked in front of Casey and began to playfully swing the chain around.

"No!" Casey begged; tears flowing from her eyes. "I'll do anything please don't!" Casey pleaded

The figure stopped swinging the chain and patted Casey's head and put their finger on her lips; as if shushing her pleas for mercy.

Casey closed her eyes as she watched the figure once more begin swinging the chain before viciously snapping it like a whip into Casey's chest cutting her open. Casey's agonizing screams echoed throughout the room. The figure began to dance around happily before whipping her again this time harder and more forcefully than the first time. Blood sprayed from the impact  soaking the plastic on the walls.  Casey continued to scream as blood trickled from the cuts on her chest made from the chain. Each scream rewarded with yet another vicious whack from her tormentor. Each adding another bloody line to her body. After hitting her several times the figure danced behind her still swinging the chain like a child playing with a toy,  Dancing to her screams of pain.

Casey proceeded to beg. She shook violently from the shock of the several whacks she had already taken.  The blood from her body dripped down from her chest and stomach into her face. Beneath her a small pool of crimson was forming on the ground.

"Please" Casey choked out reeling in pain.

The figure scraped the side of the chain with the hook against Casey's back before beginning to viciously attack. The figure started by once more whipping her again.  After two whacks the figure whipped the hook straight into the flesh of Casey's back. The hook stuck deep into her skin stabbing it into her. She wailed in pain as she felt her tormentor forcefully yank the hook out of her back like they were pulling a bass out of a lake. The figure spent the next several moments dancing to Casey's cries of pain and agon alternating between whipping and stabbing; leaving a trail of cuts as well as stab wounds. Casey tried to fight off screaming but the pain coursing through her body was far too intense. All she could do was cry in pain and agony as she continued to take lash after lash with the chain. But after what seemed like minutes Casey's screaming began to dull out . After what seemed like 20 whacks and 10 stabs the figure danced back around to the front of Casey who was now hanging upside down nearly dead. The plastic on every wall of the room was covered in splashes of blood.  Cuts lined her entire body and blood trickled down to the floor beneath her. The only part of her he left untouched was her head. Although covered in drops of her own blood it was still perfectly fine.  The figure stared at Casey for a moment watching her fade in and out of consciousness.

After being certain Casey was unable to fight any longer the figure walked over to the table and set the blood soaked chain down. The figure then picked up an old hacksaw. After a moment the figure walked back up to Casey and began to cut her down. It took a few seconds but eventually Casey fell down landing in the pool of blood below her. She twitched violently on the ground as the figure stood over top of her. Casey tried to say something but all that came out was a faint choke.

The figure sat on top of Casey's bleeding torso causing her to let out a painful moan. The figure then pinned her head down and began sawing at her neck. Blood gushed as the figure continued sawing. Her feet   kicked viciously as she tried to fight but it was no use, The figure sawed deeper and deeper now sawing through bone. within moments the figure  had sawed Casey's head off.

The figure then stood up and dropped the saw. Still holding Casey's head in his hands. The figure took a moment to admire their handy work before walking out of the room leaving nothing but a bloody mess and Casey's headless body in the room.

I would have done it betterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن