leaving town

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I packed my things as fast as I possibly could. I had called my mom who lives out of state I explained the situation to her and asked her if I could stay with her for a little while. While reluctant she agreed. I knew that this person would never look for me out of state and I would be safe; at least for a while. I wasn't waiting around to see who this person picked off next. And I knew Melisa was probably halfway out of town by now. Both of my close friends had been killed in truly gruesome manners; and I knew either me or Melisa were next. I packed up the rest of my things and shut the lights off in my house.

After opening the door and carefully looking around the driveway for any vehicles I bolted for my car. I searched the front and back seat. Just because I was paranoid I checked the trunk too. After finding nothing I got into the car, started it up and flew out of my driveway. I must have been doing 60 in a 35 but I didn't care. If I was to be arrested at least I knew I'd be somewhat safe. This person was no doubt insane. But no way would they walk into a police station to get me. At this point absolutely anywhere would be better than the clutches of the psycotic killer.

I flew down the road speeding the entire time. The entire drive I thought about how crazy this night was. What started out as a simple horror movie night had become something straight out of one of the films. My friends were dead, a masked killer was hunting us one by one and there was nothing we could do to stop them.

I started to have thoughts of running the car into a tree and killing myself. If I'm going to go out it may as well be on my terms; certainly not by the hands of the sick fuck who would most likely film it and add it to their macabre collection. Before I could talk myself out of the thought a car began following me closely but not just any car. It was Melisa's  car.

I felt a sense of unease because me and Melisa would have been heading in two separate directions; not only that she left long before I did. At that moment I knew this person following me couldn't have been Melisa; but whoever it was they had her car.

I began to panic as my thoughts began to race wildly in my head. In that moment fear began to overtake me as I had a feeling I knew who was behind me. I mashed the gas pedal down the the floor as hard as I could to try and put distance between me and the car but they only sped up with me. The person was now practically touching the rear end of my car as we flew down the road doing over 100mph. I kept the pedal down to the floor going faster and faster trying to shake this person. But the faster I went the faster they went. Knowing I couldn't stop I began to pray that a cop would randomly spawn on the side of the road; like they do at any other occasion you are brave enough to do 110 on the main road. I felt the car behind me bump the back of my car trying to force me off the road. I felt my heart pounding as I tried to swerve to avoid the person only to have them bump into me again; this time harder than the last. I lost control of the car and flew off the road and tumbled down a hill rolling the car into the woods.

The horn blared loudly as I lay face down on the steering wheel airbag. Shattered glass from the windshield, as Well as the windows  was scattered all through the car. My nose was broken and everything around me was spinning. Luckily for me I was still conscious; but still in grave danger.

I felt a wave of terror wash over me as I heard the car behind me shut the door. I tried to move but the impact of the crash left my body feeling weak With all the strength I could muster I waited half a second then I  swung the door open and jumped out of the car. What I didn't plan on however was my body collapsing as soon as I got out of the car. I fell flat on my back, head still spinning from the crash. I looked up and what I saw next I don't think I could ever unsee it.

Approaching me was the same figure I had encountered earlier that night.  Wearing the same black coat and the same black pants. It was the same person as before for sure. Only this time something was different; I could barely make it out until the person was in front of the headlights revealing their face. And when I saw it I felt a chill run down my spine. Standing before me glowing in the headlights was the figure and he was wearing Melisa's face as a mask.

The skin mask was truly terrifying. The figure had stitched around the eyes making them appear dark and void of life. Her mouth had been stitched into a sick sadistic grin that stared down at me as I lay there unable to do anything.  I felt fear consume me as I watched the figure get closer to me I tried to get up but the figure stomped on my ankle forcing me back to the ground.  I yelled out in pain and fear as I knew what was to come.

The figure kneeled down beside me. And before I could even try to push them off the figure stuck my neck with a needle. I quickly began to fade out of consciousness. The last thing I saw before fading out

Was the figure hovering over my face making me stare directly into that fucking mask. I watched the figure wave at me slowly.  until everything went black

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