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Melisa awoke in a cold dark room. Her mouth had been gagged. He hands had been bolted to a chair. Her clothes had been removed. She remembered everything that had transpired before. She remembered the footage, She remembered Casey's head glowing on the counter. And probably most of all she remembered the killer standing over her.

She began to panic. She tried to make sounds but nothing came out. Melisa began to kick violently trying to free herself but it was no use. She knew what was coming and all she could do was wait.

She didn't have to wait long. Within moments the door to her room swung open and the silhouette of the Masked figure  glowed in the doorway. The figure walked into the room and flicked on the lights. Melisa couldn't help but scream when they did

Sitting directly in front of her was Casey's bloody, headless corpse. The figure had propped it up against the wall facing directly at Melisa. She shrieked in terror as the figure walked in front of her and pointed at the corpse.

"Just thought you'd want to see her one last time." The figure teased. "I know you guys were very close." The figure mocked. He then walked in front of Melisa and stood for a second. She screamed but her gag stopped any sounds from escaping.

"I've waited so long for this" the figure began. Melisa could only stare at the person terrified.

She watched as the figure walked up to the table across the room and picked up a knife. The figure then walked back to Melisa and held it over her right arm.

The figure slashed the top of Melisa's arm slicing it open. Blood dripped from the open cut and began pooling on the chair. Melisa screamed in pain. The figure sliced again, this time cutting deeper causing more blood to gush from her arm. The figure walked over to her left arm and continued slicing. After 25 cuts the figure stood before Melisa. Her arms sliced several times each, blood dripping from the arms of the chair onto the ground.

"Does it hurt?" The figure teased twirling the knife in has hands. Melisa screamed in agony as her tormentor played with her.

"You had no issues hurting me." The figure continued before slicing into Melisa again; just picking any spot that hadn't been cut yet. After a few slices the figure stopped and stood in front of her.

"But you probably don't remember." The figure said softly making more cuts along her arms. Rapidly loosing blood Melisa began fading out of consciousness.

The figure noticed this and halted slicing her body. The figure backed away and stood in front of her examining her. Her arms had been completely lined with cuts.  A pool of blood had formed on the ground beneath her chair.

"No, you need to be alive for this." The figure hissed. "You don't get the easy way." The figure continued.

The figure then grabbed Melisa's hair and began to drag the knife along the outside of her face. Melisa mustered up enough fight to headbutt the figure in the face knocking their mask off cracking it down the middle..  Melisa stared in horror at the man she saw before her.  She tried to scream but was to weak. The man sat before her wearing a sick twisted smile.

"Surprise!" The man exclaimed as he stared down at his broken mask.

Enraged the man slashed into Melisa's chest spraying blood on his coat. Melisa moaned pain as she bled rapidly. The man then walked to the table and grabbed a jar of salt. He then walked back over to Melisa. Her eyes widened with fear as she watched the man open the jar and pull out a handful.

The figure then began to fling the salt on Melisa like he was throwing confetti. Melisa screamed in pain and the salt made contact with her several cuts. The burning on her body was ungodly and caused her to scream uncontrollably.

"God! I love that sound" the man cheered as he continued to shower her with salt. Once satisfied he then placed the jar on the ground and picked up the knife once more.

The figure continued to slice along Melisa's face until he had made a perfect circle with the knife. She moaned in agony as the Man stepped away. Yet again that same sick smile was on his face

"Everyone always called you a faceless bitch Melisa" the man said calmly as he walked back up to her.

He gripped the top of her face he had cut into and began to yank at it. He yanked harder, and harder until with lots of effort he ripped Melisas face off. She sat there in agonizing pain as the man danced her face in front of her like a puppet as she slowly faded out of life.

"I guess it was true" the man teased as he stared at her face, holding it in his hand like a trophy.

The man left Melisa barely alive sitting the the chair. She leaned forward  twitching in pain as she slowly died. Beneath her was a giant pool of her blood.

"Well Melisa it's been fun" the man began before shutting off the lights to the room. "But it would seem that death is on his way to pick you up, wouldn't want to keep him waiting." The man teased as he shut and locked the door to the room leaving Melisa alone dying, reeling in sheer pain and agony.

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