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The room was dark.  nothing could be seen in the room at all. The only light was the faint glow from under the door. Harry struggled against his restraints but it was useless. His neck, arms and feet were. bolted to the table even if he could muster the strength to fight he would never go anywhere. He had no idea where he was or how he got there he only remembers driving home, blowing a tire about 3 miles away from his friend's house. He also remembered the person who stopped to help; and then nothing. Harry looked around the room trying to get some idea as to where he was but the darkness covered any potential clues all he could do was wait. He didn't wait long before letting out a loud scream.

"Help me!!" Harry shouted. His screams echoed off of the walls and bounced right back to him. "Somebody help me!!!" He pleaded tears welling up in his eyes. Fear was starting to set in, deep down he knew this wasn't going to be good. He had seen enough horror movies to know that waking up bolted to a table typically doesn't end well.

"Somebody please!" Harry yelled out this time however; he was answered by a sound. The sound of heavy boot steps making their way toward the door. Feeling a sense of relief hearing someone on the other side of the door he piped up once more

"Hey!! In here!" He yelled practically cheering at this point hoping the person behind the door was coming to save him. His hopes immediately dampened when the door opened and the lights from the outside revealed the person behind the door.

The person who entered the room wore a black blood stained coat, with bloody black pants and most chilling of all a plain black mask. No emotion displayed. Staring through this mask was like staring into the face of death himself. It looked like the person had made it themself as part of the ensemble. Harry felt the dread build within him as he watched the figure walk toward the light switch and flicked it on; what he saw made him gag nearly puking on himself.

When the lights in the room turned on it revealed what looked like days worth of previous victims all killed in a variety of gruesome ways. On the left was a blonde man no more than 20. He looked as if he had been stabbed more times than you could count on both hands and feet. Blood dripped slowly out of his open mouth forming an ever larger pool of crimson as he lay still on the floor. he looked as if he still had a tiny bit of fight.  But not enough to fight off whoever this person was. On a table across from him lay a red headed woman again probably mid twenties who had had her torso cut open and her organs were sitting in a basket beside her, the most macabre detail was her eyes. It looked as though her tormentor had violently plucked them out of her head, no doubt while she was still alive.

The room that was once a dark empty void had in seconds become something straight out of Harry's nightmares. He began to scream as the person began walking towards Him. The figure walked up to Harry and touched his face and stared at him for a moment before reaching for a rusty old work hammer, Harry's eyes went wide with terror.

"Come on man no!" He begged before the figure stuffed two metal objects into Harry's mouth forcing it open revealing all of his teeth. His cries now reduced to muffled pleas that were surely to be ignored.

Just as the figure raised the hammer the blonde man from the left hand side let out a small whine which got the figure's attention. The figure began walking towards the man gripping the hammer tightly. The masked figure then stood above the nearly dead man,  he choked and gurgled on the blood still dripping from his mouth.

Without even a second of hesitation the figure slammed the hammer down with a loud grunt. The impact echoed throughout the room; blood gushed out of the blonde man's ears as the blow landed. The figure slammed the hammer down once more this time surely breaking through the skull; the sound of bones crunching filled the room as the figure continued to violently beat this man. Harry couldn't help but close his eyes.  The loud grunts and the sounds of the hammer breaking through his skull pierced his ears like a knife. Once satisfied with the work the figure left the blonde man dead on the ground dropping the hammer on top of the battered, bloody mess that used to be his skull

Harry let out a sigh of relief as he realized he wasn't about to have his teeth knocked into the back of his throat. That relief quickly dissipated as he watched the figure grab a pair of rusty pliers. Harry's eyes went wide with terror as the figure began walking towards him.

"Cmmm mnn" Harry attempted to plea but the metal forcing his mouth open muffled his words.

The figure attempted to grip one of Harry's teeth. Harry shook his head violently in attempts to stop this person from ripping his teeth out. This rewarded Harry with the entire 4 seconds it took for the figure to pick the bloody hammer up off the ground.

The figure then struck Harry's mouth once shattering most of his teeth in one swing. The figure hit him once more in the face busting his nose open as well as shattering more of his teeth. The figure struck Harry's  face two more times before setting the hammer down beside Harry's now bleeding and twitching head. The figure then began to pull the teeth from the back of Harry's throat one by one and place them in a Jar on the table beside him. After several moments all of the teeth in Harry's face were inside of that jar.

Harry moaned in pain hoping the torment was over as the figure began to walk away and head towards the other side of the room. Although in excruciating pain he was still very much alive however he was  unable to do anything, he had been beaten very severely and could feel his brain hemorrhaging. Harry knew it was over, all he could hope for was a break from the torture.

The figure returned less than a moment later and in his hand he held a bottle of alcohol. The highest proof cleaning alcohol. Harry's eyes went wide once more when he realized what was about to happen. But before he could even think his now bloody mess of a mouth was now burning and sizzling as the alcohol filled his mouth and went down his throat along with the blood, he choked and gagged as the figure continued to pour the alcohol down Harry's throat. He gurgled violently as he choked on the cocktail of his own blood and the high proof cleaning alcohol. He fought as long as he could but eventually he choked to death and died.

The figure then walked away from Harry's corpse and walked towards the door, flicked the lights off and closed the door leaving the room now dark and empty of all life.

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