The method to his madness

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I flashed back to reality after. Remembering what had brought me and my friends to this gruesome fate. Danny stared at me now wearing a sick twisted grin.

"There it is." Danny began. "You remember now don't you?" He sneered as he kneeled down once more.

I stared at him in horror. I could hardly believe what was happening. All I could do was close my eyes and wait for what was to come. Danny smiled at me before sitting on my leg forcing my eyes open making me look at the mutilated corpses he had placed before me like some sort of fucked up tea party.

"Take a good look" Danny ordered. "They're all here because of you!" He explained. As he held my eyes open for a second longer before letting go of me. I began to feel sick as he went from angry to smiling within seconds.

"You know the Dr said you almost killed me" Danny began. He kept wearing a sick grin on his face as he spoke.

"Police were shocked when I didn't press charges... But I had better plans for all of you." He continued.

"You see, I spent a lot of time thinking while I recovered." Danny continued explaining.

"I thought about the words Melisa said to me that day and I thought about you" Danny hissed. His grin now a angry glare.

"You were my best friend.. and you nearly killed me." Danny said calmly before standing up. Within a second his smile turned to the most hateful stare I had ever seen.

"YOU NEARLY FUCKING KILLED ME!!!" Danny screamed before kicking me in the face. Blood oozed out of my nose as his boot busted it open. I shouted in pain causing Danny's anger to return to a calm grin.

"So I decided that day.. I would become exactly what Melisa said I was.. and I vowed to make you all pay." Danny explained.

I lay on the floor still reeling in pain. Danny quickly gripped me by the neck propping me back up against the wall. He had still assumed my ankle was broken. I played along by cocking it sideways acting as if I couldn't move it. I sat still trying to breathe as blood continued to flow from my broken nose. Danny kneeled down in front of me.

"You guys weren't the first" He began "I spent the next year perfecting the art of torture and murder. I learned the limits of pain a human body can withstand in a variety of situations." Danny continued.

I sat still listening to him speak. His words sent chills down my spine. I knew Danny was crazy but I could never have imagined he would go this deep. The person kneeling before me wasn't the kid I grew up with, or even the high school looney that I graduated with... Before me sat a truly evil person and I was caught right in the center of his game.

"My first kill was wonderful." Danny said coldly. "Father never even saw it coming. I still remember his terrified look as I stabbed the kitchen knife into his neck." The way he looked at me as he fell to the floor, blood gushing from his neck.... It felt so euphoric." Danny explained still smiling at me.

I felt sickened as he explained his gruesome murders to me as if he were a villain at the end of a horror movie.

"I spent the next year capturing and killing several others until I had gotten my methods perfect.." Danny continued.

"You see I definitely wanted to kill you.. but I didn't want it to be quick... No I wanted to string you along every single second to make you suffer for as long as possible. " Danny said with a evil tone of voice.

"After about a year I was ready. I began watching you very closely.. and when I saw that you were still friends with those two bitches from high school; I saw a perfect opportunity to really fuck with you." He proceeded.

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