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I awoke to complete and total darkness. The room smelled of death and decay. I tried to move my hands but found they were tied behind my back. I couldn't tell for sure but it felt like I had been propped against a wall. I guess the figure must have thought they had broken my ankle. Luckily for me they did not. I began to think of everything that had happened that night. The photos of Harry, The footage of Casey's murder, The figure wearing Melisa's face as a mask. I felt the anger surging within me and I began to scream.

"Come on you sick fuck!!!" I shouted angrily nearly crying in anger.

"I'm right here!!" I screamed "you got me right where you want me. What the fuck are you waiting for!!??" I felt my blood burning with rage as I kept thinking about that fucking mask.

"Come on you mother fucker!!!" I yelled.

My yells were quickly answered by the sound of heavy boot steps approaching the door. I yelled out again in rage as I heard the person opening the door.

"Come on!!!" I shouted "let's go!!!" I exclaimed as I watched the door swing open and the masked figure entered the room the light from the outside reflecting off of the skin mask.

"Yeah real tough guy!!" I began to shout. "Killed two helpless girls! Kill me you fucking pussy!" I barked

I was no longer afraid to die. I was ready to face this person head on and finally bring an end to this night of torment. I knew this could only go one way. This person was never going to stop until they got all of us. I watched as the figure flicked the lights on, lighting up the room revealing to me exactly where I was. What I saw when the lights came on made my heart drop into my stomach.

Sitting around me was all 3 of my friends that had been killed that night. Harry had been placed in a chair on the left of me. His battered mutilated face was far worse in person than any picture could ever do justice. His hollow mouth dripped blood. Casey's headless body sat to the right of me. Her naked bloody body yet again was far worse in person than that footage ever could have shown. I didn't watch the footage long enough to see her head get cut off and seeing her without her head disturbed me more than the numerous cuts and stabs lining her body. And last sitting directly in front of me was Melisa. Her arms and chest had been sliced into several times leaving a trail of bloody cuts all along her upper body. Her faceless head leaned slightly forward; blood slowly dripping from where the cuts on her head had been made.

Seeing all 3 of their bodies sent my rage to maximum and I could feel my blood burning. I began attempting to free my hands as I watched the figure approach me.

"The gangs all here" the figure teased as he walked up to each and everyone of their bodies touching them with their index finger.

The figure then walked up to me and stared directly into my face.

"You're probably very confused... Aren't you?" the figure asked coldly; still staring into my eyes.

"Yeah... I bet you are" the figure continued.

I let out an angry yell as I shook against the wall.

"What the fuck do you want!!??" I demanded angrily staring at the figure with sheer hate and rage.

"Oh I'm getting exactly what I wanted." The figure began. "See you don't remember me... But I certainly remember you... All of you" The figure hissed.

I stared at the figure in complete confusion. Who could it be? I didn't do anything to anyone since high school. I became a changed man once I graduated, I focused on my hobbies, my goals etc. I never had time to get on anyones bad side. The figure stood still before me.

"You still don't know???" The figure said coldly as they reached for the skin mask and began to pull it off their face. I gasped in terror as the figure revealed to me their true identity.

"Now do you remember?" The man asked calmly holding the skin mask tightly in his hands. He stared at me with his cold eyes. His face stained with blood.

"Danny?" I asked shakily in disbelief. The man then nodded his head and walked back over to Melisa's body. He smiled still holding the mask.

"That's right" Danny sneered. As he placed the mask back around her head giving her mutilated body a sickening face to match.

"And now that the cat is out of the bag... I won't be needing this anymore." He explained as he fit the mask snug to her face walking away from her once more.

I felt anger and confusion. I tried to recall what I could have done to Danny we were friends for several years. He had been over to my house every summer since we were kids. Why would he turn on me now.

"What the fuck!!?" I screamed. "We were your friends Danny." I exclaimed.

Danny returned to me and kicked me hard in the ribs. I let out a painful grunt and fell sideways. Danny kneeled down beside me staring into my eyes once again.

"Friends??" Is that what you call yourselves?" He asked with a sinister tone in his voice. He kicked my ribs once more, this time harder than last time.

I sat there in pain and confusion as Danny stood over top of me. Still trying to remember what any of us could have done.

"You always said I was crazy." Danny began. "Said I would kill people, that I was psycotic... Guess what?... you were all right. " Danny explained.

"All it took was the right push." He hissed

Hearing those words made me remember senior year.  And what we did to Danny....  it was no wonder he was hunting us.

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