1 down 3 to go

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I spent the next several moments staring at the phone I had set on the table after scrolling through the macabre photos. I felt sick to my stomach knowing someone could have done this to my friend. I couldn't help but wonder who could have done it. Why would someone attack Harry? He always kept to himself; he didn't have any enemies at least as far as I knew. I felt panic once more as I heard frantic knocking at the door again. This time however the panic mixed with rage and anger. If this was indeed the person who killed Harry they certainly weren't going to get away with it  I ran to the kitchen grabbed the biggest knife in my drawer and ran towards the door. I knew I was potentially in danger but the anger outweighed the fear in that moment.  I walked up to the door knife ready to start stabbing as soon as I opened it. I swung the door open and wasn't met with the figure from before; luckily for me it was Casey and Melisa. They both wore a scared expression on their faces and I could see tears in Casey's eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked shakily. I was relieved to see the girls but in that moment I feared for all of our safety.

"We found Harry's car!" Melisa screamed tears now in her eyes. " We were driving back to our place and about 4 miles out we saw his car on the side of the road; it was empty." Melisa explained

My mind immediately flashed back to the pictures I saw on the phone and my mind began to race. I had to tell them, if we were all I danger they had every right to know.

"He's dead" I choked out. I watched as their fear turned to sadness in seconds.

"What?" Melisa squeaked silently. Her eyes now flowing with tears. I couldn't tell if she was just scared or if she actually cared about Harry. After a moment of us standing by the door I urged the girls to come in. I shut the door behind us carefully and locked both the dead bolt and the door lock. I urged the girls to sit down on the couch as I grabbed the phone off of the table. Casey shot me a confused look.

"Why do you have Harry's phone?" She demanded looking as if though she thought I was responsible. I quickly tried to explain to her that only an hour ago the person who was most likely responsible for Harry's death was standing outside of my door and left it. Although I knew she was hesitant, I could tell she believed me.  I handed Casey the phone.

"Why are you handing me this?" Casey asked softly as she took the phone from my hands.

I explained to her what was on the phone and in response she threw it across the room.  She glared angrily at me.

"Why the fuck would you think that I would ever want to see that?" Casey screamed crying as the reality of the situation finally hit her.

We sat in silence for a moment before Melisa had the idea to go to Harry's car. Casey and i thought this was a joke. We thought to ourselves no way is this chick suggesting that we go to the abandoned car of our dead friend all the while the one who is responsible is no doubt out there waiting for us.

"Are you out of your mind!?" Casey shouted furiously. "For someone who claims they would have survived a horror movie you sure are making stupid decisions already." Casey mocked.

Melisa then explained how maybe the person left some bit of evidence behind that we could then to take to the police and have this person caught.  Although a crazy idea; I couldn't help but agree with her. No killer is perfect and maybe, just maybe there was a chance they left something behind. Even a hair left behind in the car would be at least enough to have the police searching for this person.

After moments of debating in the silence we all decided to go to Harry's car. We all carefully made our way out of the house and headed for Casey's car. I was on guard from the second I left my front door until the very moment I got into the car. After we started moving I began to relax a little but a part of me was scared. We drove 3 miles before we began to see the black dodge carrivan on the side of the road. We slowly rolled up behind the car and put the car in park. I left the car running as we all began to speak.

"If we are going to go out there; we need to have a plan" Casey began "Melisa and I will check out the car, you keep watch for anything at all out of the ordinary." She continued.

It was very late at this point so the odds of random cars passing wasn't very likely. I agreed to keep watch and with that we all got out of the car. I watched the girls walk towards the car as I sat beside our car looking up and down both sides of the street. After about 5 minutes the girls confirmed that there was nothing inside the car. And urged me to come check it out. I agreed and urged Casey over to the car to keep watch as I investigated the car. She agreed and we traded places.

I searched the car high and low; but same as the girls I didn't find anything useful at all. It almost looked like the car had been cleaned out almost to resemble a car that someone just abandoned. I searched the back seats and under the front seats. Just as I was about to give up I felt something touch my hand. It felt thin like paper; thinking I had hit the jackpot I grabbed it out from under the seat. Melisa most have noticed because within seconds she was hovering over me.

"What did you find?" She asked curiously as  I exited the car.

I began opening the paper and when I read the paper I dropped the paper on the ground. On the paper were just a few words but the words were enough to terrify me to my core.

"1 down 3 to go"

I showed the paper to Melisa and I didn't need to ask if it scared her; the look on her face said it all.  She called Casey over but she didn't come. She called for her once again; and again no answer. We both looked behind us horrified to find Casey wasn't standing behind us anymore.

"Come on Casey!" Melisa shouted

"I'm already terrified as it is, now you're  trying to scare us?" Melisa cried.

I could feel that something wasn't right. Casey would never have left us with her car. And I think knowing this is what really scared me. But where could she have gone we were all within close enough proximity to each other's where one of us would have heard a car, a struggle or something. Horrified Melisa and I decided to walk back to the car and see if maybe she had just fallen asleep at the wheel. Somehow I knew that was wishful thinking.

When we got the the car we were greeted with nothing. That's right nothing. No signs of struggle, no blood nothing.

We spent the next several moments paralyzed in terror and confusion.

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