Harry's phone

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Melisa went home shortly after the last movie ended. She seemed tired and said she wanted to hit the hay when she got home. Me not thinking anything of it having long forgotten about Harry scaring the shit out of us hours earlier, I watched her leave. I then stood up and began cleaning up  the mess from the party. I watched her car peel out of the driveway and roll down the street. After what seemed like an hour of cleaning I had officially restored my living room. Shortly after I decided to sit down and watch another movie. I had decided on a recent Saw title and sat down on the couch with a jack and coke and a bowl of chips. I watched about half of the movie before I passed out.

When I woke up I was greeted by the repetitive main menu of the movie which prompted me to get up. When I decided to look at my phone I had 13 unanswered calls from Melisa as well as 3 texts. Worried about the situation I immediately called Melissa's phone, no answer. I then called Casey's phone, again nothing. As a last ditch effort I decided to call Harry's phone. It rang for a moment but yet again, nothing. To say that I was worried was an understatement, I didn't know what to do. I texted Harry 3 times to see if I could get a response but I got nothing, for a moment anyways.

About 5 minutes after sending the last text I received one back, And it was from Harry.

"Hey man, got your text. Are the girls okay? I haven't heard from them." The text said.

I simply responded with a no and awaited his response. About a moment later I got another text from Harry.

"I'm on my way over"

I paused for a moment unsure of what to say. It was very late at this point and I didn't much feel like having anyone else over tonight, however my fear for both the safety of Casey as well as Melisa encouraged me to just let him come over.

"Alright man" I responded.

About 30 minutes passed before I heard a knock on the door. He had gotten here much faster than he reasonably could have had he done the speed limit. This struck me as odd but I brushed it off as me just being paranoid. I walked up to the door preparing to answer it but as I approached it I felt very uneasy, I decided to look through the peep hole of my door just to see who it was first, and what I saw sent a chill down my spine. There was a person standing at my door but I knew for sure it wasn't Harry.

The figure standing behind my door was a much bigger person than Harry both in height and stature. His black leather Coat reflected the light of the moon glowing in the darkness almost making this person glow. The figure wore a black hood and a black mask.  I couldn't make out very many details through the peep hole but I could swear the figure was holding something. I looked a little closer and what I saw horrified me; it was faint but I caught a glimpse of the phone case and I could see the acid trip smiley face sticker. It was at that very moment i knew. The figure had Harry's phone, and was using it to talk to me this entire time.

I felt my heat pounding rapidly in my chest as I backed away from the door. I felt my stomach turn as the person knocked on the door once more. Shortly after the last knock I received another text from the person using Harry's phone

"Come on bro, let me in" the text said

Deciding to not further engage with whoever was knocking on my door I turned around and began heading for my bedroom where I would then contact someone for help. I knew that this person would easily overpower me if they made it into my house which most likely wouldn't take long once they began to force entry.

I felt my heart thudding as I contemplated my options in that moment. On one hand I could try to find a weapon and try to fight the person off, this however was a long shot as I had no idea what he had on them if this person had a gun it wouldn't even be much of a fight.  Another option I had was to hide somewhere inside the house and sneak out when given the opportunity. Just as I decided on the second option the knocking stopped, and the house went quiet.

I waited a few moments before walking back up to the door to see if the figure was still standing there. To my surprise it was gone. I ran to the back door to make sure the figure hadn't gone there to try and enter; not that it would matter, I locked all the doors tight after Melisa left. After being completely certain I was alone I carefully opened the front door and I saw a phone laying on my welcome mat; but not just any phone, it was Harry's phone.

I looked around carefully to make sure there was nobody hiding around the corner, once certain I grabbed the phone and shut and locked the door once more.

I turned on the phone and to my complete surprise it was unlocked, this struck me as increasingly odd, as if I wasn't already worried sick at this point. I felt the same fear I felt earlier beginning to build back up as I opened the phone. All of the apps had been removed from the home screen, all except one; the photos. I opened the app and waited for it to load. What I saw next made my blood turn to ice and made me vomit on my floor.

The app had at least 10 photos from different angles of Harry's mutilated body. His jaw had been forced open, his teeth looked like they had been beaten off of his face; his head had been left a battered bloody mess.. He had a clear liquid dripping from both sides of his mouth. The pictures were definitely real, Harry was killed, and to make things worse I think I may have been seconds away from being next.

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