I'm hiding here.. someone help me

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I sat still as Danny picked up a knife from the table and began to walk toward me. I readied myself for the fight I knew was seconds away from unfolding. I wasn't going to die here. And if I did it sure as hell would be the hardest kill of his career.

Danny stood directly in front of me gripping the knife. I stared angrily. At him as he smiled at me twirling the knife.

"And now." Danny began "this horrifying tale is about to come to an end." He sneered. As he walked toward me.

"Look on the bright side." He teased. "The nightmare is almost over." Danny said coldly

he stepped closer and raised the knife getting ready to stab me; but before he could I kicked him as hard as I could in the leg. The blow bent his leg back and knocked Him over. I stood up as fast as I could and ran for the door. I quickly removed the loose rope from my hands freeing them. I opened it and ran out of the room faster than I have ever ran in my life.

Once outside of the room I quickly realized that I was in some kind of warehouse the hallway was dark. The only light was the flickering ceiling lights. I bolted down the hallway as fast as I could passing several rooms I couldn't take the time to see what was in them as I knew Danny was most likely up by now, And is most likely was on his way out of the room.

I continued to run down the hallway. Searching for a way out of this place. But it was endless. I could hear the echoing of boot steps behind me.

"YOU'LL NEVER GET OUT OF HERE!" Danny yelled from behind me. His voice sent a chill down my spine.


I began to panic as I realized he was right. I had a plan for getting out of the room but I had no other plans from there. I had no idea where I was. I had no idea how far away we were from any type of town. I would have to guess that it was pretty far. It would have to be for no one to hear the screams of the many people that Danny had killed

In panic opened one of the doors and walked inside. I Felt for a light switch just to flick the lights on to get a feel for the room I was in before switching them off again. A light would certainly give away my location leaving me to Danny's sick, twisted devices. He had screwed up once. I have my doubts he will do it again.

I flicked the lights on and felt sickened by what I saw. Laying on the floor of the room was an elderly woman. Her entire body as well as her skull had been crushed by a sledgehammer that had been left sitting beside her. Her head had been reduced to nothing more than a flat pile of pieces of her skull and brain matter Her mangled and bloody body lay lifelessly in the center of the floor. I picked up the sledgehammer and switched the light off. And hid behind the door.

I felt my blood turn cold as I heard the heavy echoing of Danny's boots hitting the floor as he walked ever closer to the room I was in. I waited behind the door hoping he would enter so I could end this once and for all. My thought process changed completely when I heard the cranking and reving of what sounded like a chainsaw.

"GO AHEAD AND HIDE!" Danny shouted over the idling chainsaw. His footsteps getting closer.

"YOUR ONLY MAKING THIS MORE FUN!" He yelled laughing as he revved the chainsaw.

I heard the footsteps get closer to the door until I saw it opening. I gripped the hammer ready to bash Danny's skull in; but before anything could happen he closed the door leaving me alone in the dark. I listened as Danny's footsteps as well as the chainsaw got farther and farther away.

I think I'm gonna hide here for awhile until I'm certain he is gone. Then I may try to find a way out of here before Danny finds me.  I can only imagine what he will do to me when he does.

I have no doubt he has my phone here somewhere. When I find it I will make this story public in hopes that my location can then be tracked

I just hope whoever finds me doesn't find another one of Danny's macabre films about it first.

For the love of God someone help me!!!

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