a head of the game

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Melisa and I drove frantically back to my place. Both of us worried about Casey. We didn't know where she had gone but we knew two things. 1. She definitely didn't leave herself; as she would have never left her brand new car with two people she had only known for a couple years now. 2. There was someone out there who killed Harry and most likely they took Casey too. The horrifying images on Harry's phone began to flash in my mind and my heart began racing. I began to think of all the horrible things that could potentially be happening to Casey as we speak and I began to feel sick. Melisa must have noticed because she soon touched my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly. I could tell by the look on her face that she was panicking and fighting back tears herself. I  Nodded my head but remained quiet.

Melisa and I continued tearing down the street. We had to have been doing at least 10 over, as long as we were outside we were easily accessible to whoever this person is. This was beginning to feel like something straight out of a horror film. Only this isn't a movie, this is real life.

When we got back to my house we hurried back inside and locked every door to the house within seconds of entry.  Melisa sat on the couch while I continued to look around. I spent the next several moments checking every room of my house for anything or anyone that didn't belong there. Once satisfied and completely certain we were alone I began walking back to the living room. When I got there I was greeted by Melisa. She held a remote in her hand, My tv remote. I cracked a joke in response.

"You wanna watch TV?" I teased. But the look on Melisa's face told me she didn't find it funny.

"I know where Casey is." Melisa said shakily. Her voice was whiny and pitched. Her hands were shaking. She looked absolutely horrified.

"Where is she?" I asked hoping she found an answer. She pointed me over to the TV; indeed she had found an answer. And it was exactly as I feared.

The TV showed footage of Casey hanging upside down and tied up a room. The walls were covered in plastic, as was the floor. Melisa had paused the video. I didn't even want to press play; but a combination of fear and curiosity overpowered me and I began to play the footage. Melisa sat behind me as we watched.  I wish to God we hadn't.

The footage showed a shirtless person in a black mask dancing around the room relentlessly beating Casey with a chain leaving slices on her body. I felt chills as I remembered that mask from earlier tonight; the mask I stared directly into from the other side of my door. We watched the footage in disbelief and horror. We watched Casey get tortured and stabbed until the sound of her painful screams drove me to insanity. Out of sheer anger I grabbed the TV and yanked it out of the wall and threw it across the room.

"What the fuck was that!!" I shouted in grief and rage. I felt so sick to my stomach that I vomited on the floor. Melisa began sobbing mourning her friend who she had just watched being brutally killed. 

I had so many questions. How did this person get into my house with a disc containing footage of the kill?  How did they know we would see it? I call that just luck on their part. Had Melisa never found it we most likely would have never seen it.  Was this person watching our every move?

"This is all my fault!" Melisa sobbed

"I had to suggest that we go look at the car and that's how she ended up dead!" Melisa cried tears flowing down her face. I sat down beside her and held her for a moment.

"This is nobody's fault" I began. I now knew that no matter where we went; this person was a step ahead of us every time. We sat there for a moment in silence before Melisa stood up.

"So what now?" She began "we just sit here and wait for this sick fuck to make a kill film about us?" She asked. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to tell her we were safe. I wanted to tell her that we could do something. I wanted to tell her everything would be alright; but I knew all of the above were lies.

" We need to figure out who this person is" I began "that's step one." I explained. I had spent all night wondering to myself who could be doing this. I'm not on anyone's hit list at least as far as I know.. Melisa had enimeies, but i doubt that they would want to kill Casey or Harry.

Melisa stood up and screamed.

"You do whatever you want." She began "my friend is dead, I'm packing my shit and getting the fuck out of this town forever."  Melisa said angrily as she walked to the front door.

I begged her not to go; she ignored me. I asked her to let me go with her as two against one is way better odds; again ignored. As angry as I was I couldn't even imagine how Melisa felt. She had just watched raw footage of her friend's brutal murder. I knew I couldn't stop her. I watched as she walked out the door.before closing it she stared at me with a concerned look on her face.

"Please be safe." She said softly. "I don't wanna see you die too." With that Melisa closed the door and walked to her car. She got inside it carefully checking for anyone inside; she then started the car and peeled out of my driveway.

I sat alone in my house alone. I couldn't stop thinking about the footage we just watched. Who could do this to someone? I remembered the killer dancing to her screams as he swung the chain around as if they were enjoying every second. In that very moment I felt more scared than I had ever been. Whoever this was they weren't going to stop until they kill all of us.

Melisa pulled up to her house still feeling anger and sorrow side by side. After crying alone for a moment she turned off her car and headed for the front door of her house. She unlocked it and walked inside and was greeted by a glow coming from the kitchen. Melisa knew she had candles; but she knew she didn't light any before leaving that night. This made her feel very uneasy. Melisa shut the door behind her and began to walk to the kitchen. As she approached it the glow became brighter, and brighter. Once inside the kitchen what Melisa found made her blood freeze and caused her to loose control of her bladder.

Sitting on the Counter was Casey's head. The killer had hollowed it out and placed one of Melisa's candles inside it leaving it for her like some grotesque Halloween jack o lantern. Her eyes had been removed leaving her hollow eyeholes glowing. Her mouth had been violently sliced open on both ends leaving a glowing Chelsea smile.

Melisa screamed in sheer horror as she stared into the hollow glowing eyes of her dead friend; who only an hour earlier she had watched get ruthlessly murdered.  Melisa fell down to her knees and began to vomit. Before she could get to her feet she felt a smack to the back of her head.

Melisa fell to the floor fading out of consciousness and the last thing she saw before fading out.....

Was the tall masked figure standing above her.

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