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Dark One's POV

Nothing thrilled them more than the hunt. On this cold and snowy Christmas night, they were headed to a small cozy home on a hill where the birth of yet another set of twins had just occurred. Moving quietly and swiftly in the form of a shadow, they made it to the now quiet home. The new parents were asleep both exhausted from the excitement and stress. Even the red-haired midwife was sleeping in a rocking chair so their job would be easy.

They came into the room and observed the two babies sleeping in their cradle. According to their sources, the firstborn would be dressed in yellow being like the mother. Lifting their wand they prepared the killing curse... then sensed something was off. While the child dressed in pink was new to the world, the other child did not. The hair didn't match either being told both were born with silver blonde hair. This child had dark brown hair and seemed to be days old. This was not the target they were searching for.

They felt a wave of rage as they glared down at the children. Did the parents do this? Or did someone else take the child before they could get here? At first, they pointed their wand at the children with the idea to kill them both... but then paused. The stand-in had potential and strong magic. He could be useful to them in the future.

Their mind made up, they took the child and left as quietly as they came. There was still unfinished business that ticked them off though. Someone had gotten there before them yet they did not sense any presence or trace. Their hunt was not over at all. They must find and dispose of this firstborn twin. They would not take the risk with the prophecy given long ago looming over their head.

'Only the power of a firstborn twin can stop the dark one forever.'

They had scoffed at first given that firstborn twin never had magical abilities, but the old wizard who spoke of the prophecy had given many before and always got it right. They must rid themselves of all obstacles; otherwise, all their work would be for nothing. This world would soon bow down to them. Everything they deserve would finally be theirs and no one would be able to stop them.

Silas' POV

He walked into his house taking off his cape. He had it off to one of his servants and made his way up the stairs in his arms a small wiggly bundle who was fast asleep. When he walked into the baby room, his beautiful mistress was waiting on him sitting by an empty crib. "Darling! Where have you been? Why did you take Sammy with you?" she stood up and started to walk to him, but stopped when she saw the child in his arms. "W-what is... that thing?!" she stammered out her gray-blue eyes wide.

He scoffed at her his black eyes dark. "This is your son. Do your job and take care of him, alright? He's very important." He shoved the child into her arms making her recoil and stare down at the baby. He rolled his eyes at her reaction feeling impatient. "Do what you're told, alright? I told have time for your drama, Nina." He turned away from her. The child was honestly a means to an end for him.

"Darling! Please wait!" He heard Nina call out to him but ignored her as he went over to his study. He didn't care how the child was raised, whether he was loved or not. If he was as important as he was told, then he'd be a great asset to their family. He would make sure of it himself. While he did not sense any magic in him yet, he expected great things from him.

He took a deep breath and leaned back in his comfortable leather chair. The child was only alive because of him. He felt no guilt at all, but if the child ever dared to embarrass him, the punishment for him would be big. A smirk formed on his face as he thought of the glory that would befall the Moonfall family.

Nina's POV

She put the child in the crib after changing it and stared blankly while it fussed and whined. How could Silas do this to her? Why would he take their baby and replace him with this... this freak? When it woke up and she had to change it, she was horrified to see that it was neither male nor female, but a mix of both. She had to take care of this thing? This was supposed to replace her perfect and sweet little boy?

She glared down at the baby as it finally dozed off again and cooed. Silas had told her to raise it as her son... how could he do this to her? It would never fit in with the family, especially with its white dusting on its head. She shook in anger and grief. She would never love this child... however, Silas seemed sure of something about it.

She swallowed back her grief and focused on the creature sleeping in her son's crib. Fine... she would raise the child. However, it... no, he, she told herself, would have to work hard for everything given to him. If he ever embarrassed her, she would make him pay. Her eyes gleamed darkly as she thought of the many ways she could get away with while raising him. If he lived in constant fear, so be it. He would pay for daring to replace her real son. With those delightful thoughts in her mind, she went off to her room leaving the child alone to sleep.

Unknown POV

The night was still and quiet as the young child slept in a crib that was not his own. Innocent and new to this world, his soul was pure and bright his little body full of potential and magic.

An old man watched the newborn from his crystal ball seeing all that occurred yet did nothing to step in. As an old prophet, all he could do was give out prophecies and watch and see what would happen. He used to interfere happening hoping for a better ending but it was all for nothing. Events always happened as he saw in his visions regardless of what he did. In the beginning, they happened because of his interference so now he just watches from afar.

This child would go through many hardships, especially under the Moonfall's care. However, whether Silas planned on it or not, he saved his life and would drive the child to the right path. He had to go through this treatment no matter how unfair it may be. One day he would be reunited with his true family. He won't find true happiness though until much later.

The old man sighed wistfully and closed his eyes falling into the vision that haunted him for so long. A shrill laughter echoed in his mind along with the image of a young teen his soul ignited from sorrowful rage as tears streamed down his cheeks. The magic that poured out of him was significantly fueled by determination and the need for revenge and all the while he was a firstborn twin.

The words of the prophecy came out of his mouth. "Arrogance and greed will be their downfall. Darkness cannot exist without light. Only the power of a firstborn twin can stop the dark one forever." He opened his tired eyes. Lost in time no one knew the identity of the Dark One. No one but the old prophet that is. Giving out that information would do nothing but make matters worse. He had looked into all possible futures and decided that doing nothing was the best option for everyone.

He regarded the child again as he slept in the crib alone. He could hear the cries of a sorrowful mother in the back of his head. If he wasn't so old and tired, it may have broken his heart but this was for the greater good. One day the family would be reunited again.

He thought of the child's twin once more knowing the role she would play in his destiny. All would be right in the end. He no longer felt any guilt for doing nothing.

It wouldn't be until twelve years later that the two siblings would meet again. That is where the true beginning of their story begins. All he would do was sit back and watch as events came to be on their own as he always saw it.

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