Chapter 31: Wait... Why are the Shadows...?

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When I wake up, I open my eyes only to wince at the bright sunlight. I blink my eyes many times and take in my surroundings. How did I end up in the nurse's office? My body feels super achy sure... then I remember the night before. Those shadows attacked me while laughing in glee. I shudder and hold myself tight. I can still feel those teeth biting into me... ripping my skin... making me bleed... I feel irrational panic set in. What if it comes for me again?

"Ally?!" I jump a bit and look up sharply. I see momma coming into the room with daddy behind him. "Oh, my poor baby!" He rushes to my side and hugs me tight. "You must have been so scared! You kept crying out in your sleep..." I shakily hug him back and tears collect in my eyes making them burn. Daddy sits down and holds up both close. His big arms feel so strong and warm. As I burst into tears, they both hold me and let me cry.

This is the first time I've been attacked like this. Normally, I'd get those phantom pains from what I assumed was my twin getting hurt. This time it was my own pain, my own blood... and it was the scariest thing I've ever gone through. Momma hums to me gently but I don't feel comforted at all. I can't get the fear to go away.

I thought we were supposed to be safe in the dorms! Who left the stupid window open?! Wait... I open my eyes and hiccup. Was it really an honest mistake? Or was there intent? Did someone leave it open on purpose? I might not have been their intended target... or maybe there wasn't a target at all. Anyone could have gone out to the living area for water or just because they couldn't sleep. This can't be real! It's not fair! Why is the stupid Dark One attacking us now?! I start to feel angry... but then a thought comes to my head.

I feel these phantom pains... shouldn't my twin as well? I've never been hurt like this. Maybe a skinned knee or a bloody nose, but never this. Does that mean... my twin felt what happened to me? With how bad it was... someone must have seen it. If he's at school then he was hurt too! "H-hey! Was anyone else hurt?" I stammer out rubbing my eyes.

Daddy frowns but knocks. "Yeah... including you, three people were attacked last night. You, a young dark arts boy named Brandon, and..." he trails off and looks over to another bed. It's then that I notice my godfather sitting by another bed and see who's lying there. Ariel...? He got attacked too?

"It's strange too." Daddy continues. "His roommate found him in bed all bloody and locked in a nightmare. No one knows how he got hurt either... you and Brandon went out of your rooms and were attacked by the shadows " I tense a bit and look over with wide eyes. Could it be...? Jason doesn't look at us and focuses on Ariel. I don't see Silas anywhere, but he is not only a professor but also the dean so maybe he was busy?

I look around again and see Brandon in another bed. He's bandaged up and unconscious still. I see a girl sitting by him with a couple of bandages on too and wonder if she's the dark arts girl who got attacked first, Carmen. She was very pretty with tanned skin, big brown eyes, and dark brown hair. Eddy isn't here though and I silently hope that he's alright.

"For now just get some rest, ok baby?" I'm jolted out of my thoughts when momma speaks again. "I've healed you the best I can... those shadows left something that made it impossible to heal you completely." Momma looks very frustrated and sad. Daddy rubs momma's arms gently. "It's ok, love... she'll get better in no time." He looks over to the dark arts students. "I just wish they'd accept your offer to heal them too..."

I blink. They won't accept his offer? Why? I watch them curiously. Maybe it's because of pride? They won't be able to do much if they're all cut up and in pain! Carmen locks eyes with me and glares. I tense and look away quickly. She doesn't have to be so mean about it... I swallow hard and lean into momma. Maybe she's jealous? Or maybe she's worried about Brandon because he hasn't woken up? I don't think it's a good idea to ask... then it hits me.

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