Chapter 6

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I want to remove his arms that wrapped around me, but I cant.

I hate to admit to myself, but I felt missing him when I saw him earlier.

I really thought that the feeling I have felt for him is already gone, but when I saw a glimpsed of him all the memories where rushing back at once.

I remember those days when everytime I'm feeling down, or having a bad day, I always run to him instead of Dunk. And he accepts me when with wide open arms without any complaints.

He treated me nicely, until I get used to it, and that's the time I realised that I'm falling for him. 

I thought it was okey to asked him all his attentions.

I was so greedy that I don't want anyone else aside from me getting closer to him that time. Dunk and Jong are given, because I already know them.

My feelings towards him started growing each day I'm with him.

I'm being so selfish that time, and to the fact that I started being delusional that he likes me back, because of the way he treats me.

After high-school graduation I found out that his been liking some girl in our campus.

That's the time I realized everything.

My feelings is just a one sided love, and Daou will never see me as his lover.

It hurts me really badly, but what can I do? I am not going to push myself to the person who doesn't like me.

Since that day, I started avoiding him and even closed our chapter as a friend.

I told myself to be contented on the page part that we built a good memories, and not to even ask for more.

That the friendships between me and him is already ended.

"I'm sorry," He murmured on the back of my head and I got chills in my spine because of that.

I let him hug me for a little longer and stayed like that for a while.

I miss him, I really do.

"We can't go back to what we are before," I wanted to voice that out but my mind changes.

I am going to stick on what's happening now.

"Please leave me alone Daou, I don't want to see you ever again," I sadly hurt removing his arms around me then run.

I didn't let my tears came out, because I don't want the security guard on my building to see in that state.

For the past few years, I never felt like crying even when I'm in pain, but why now?

I looked back at him and he's still there standing like a statue.

I run a fast as I could to reach my apartment.

"Off wait please," I heard  Daou running after me, I got shocked how fast he run because I'm already far when I saw him still standing there a while ago.

But I didn't listen to him and keep on running.

I rushed to the elevator and keep pressing the button to closed but a strong hand prevented from closing.

"I'm not going to let you go, until you explain to me why did you start avoiding me, Off," he said catching his breath in front of the elevator.

"No, I'm not," I insisted and move backwards until I reached the walls of the elevator.

"I thought we're best of friends?" I can see his emotions in his eyes while saying that and I feel so guilty again.

But I also felt a fang on myy chest when he said the friend word.

"Before," I whispered bowing my head because I can't look him the eyes longer.

"Okey, if that's what you want, you can do that to me but I am against to your decision," he insisted

"Are you crazy?"


"Stop being so childish Daou,"

"I'm not the childish one here, ask yourself,"

"I'm not a childish,"

"Yes you are, because my question is very simple. Why did you avoided me this past few years? That's it, and you can't even answer. What am I supposed to do? You're the only who can answer that," he complained with a sigh

"I can't tell you, just leave me alone please?"

"Fine, I'm letting you go for now, but I will be back next time. And I hope you can answer my question when that time comes,"


"I'm not stubborn like you Off, I just want to know the reason why for my peace of mind. I'm not asking to bring what we are before. If you really don't want me as your friend, then fine."

I didn't know how to answer and react that time. So I'd stayed still to where I'm standing and waited for him to talk again.

"Floor?" He asked

"16" I answered

I want to face-palm because of embarrassment. Why did I forget to press which floor I am going.

"Goodnight Off, I will wait for your answer," then he left

That's the argument between me and him that day.

And since that day, I keep on thinking of him again.

On what kind of excuses I am going to tell him.

Even my work is affected and my boss keeps on calling out for me because I'm not in my usual self.

Even Diamond, Geler and Pentor doesn't know what to do to me.

They said that it's better to confess and see how it goes than stressing myself thinking of what kind of lies what I am going to tell him.

And I think they are right, and Daou also said that If I tell him the reason why I avoided him, he's going to stop confronting me about it.

And that's what I am going to do, now.

I will try to double update today.... 😅😊😘

Goodnight and Good morning guys

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