Chapter 13

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Offroad's pov

Another Saturday comes, and how many more days should I count and wait for him?

And I've been dying to see him, and that's not a lie.

I've been missing him since that day.

That time at the Hotel, he promised me that one day he will come and talk to me, but I feel like I've been waiting for ages on him.

I've never seen him since that day or even received any messages coming from him, and I'm getting worried sick.

We didn't have any proper talk that day because he has an appointment to attend too and I'm being so stubborn/stupid that day.

I felt relieved when he didn't get to interrogate me that time.

But after realizing it properly, I felt like regretting what happened that day, because I already have the chance to be with him but I messed up everything.

Since I found out that he likes me back then, I'm becoming so much stressful about it.

I have so many what if in mind that no matter what I think of it, the time already had gone past and we cant go back to that time any more.

I have regrets, but I'm always keeping in my mind that God has a better plan for me, or for us.

Now, it's been a month since he didn't show up like he promised, he only sends me some chocolates, foods and flowers to make up with me. 

Yes, he makes me feel special by sending those.

His giving me butterflies in my stomach every time I received those gifts from him.

But I'm getting frustrated because he never showed up and talked to me about anything on what's going on with him or to us.

What if I'm assuming things again? I don't want that to happen anymore.

I want a clarification right now, and that's what I'm going to do, because I can't wait anymore.

I know that I don't have the right to get angry at him but this frustration inside me is killing me.

I can't even sleep properly at night because his been running in my mind all the time.

If I'm going to follow my brain, I don't need to things either, but my heart is working hard lately and I cant even control it.

He makes my heart go crazy and he needs to be responsible for this.

Even If I'm terrified on the outcome what I am planning to do, I'm being slave by my own heart, and I can't do anything about it.

Love me or not, Accept me or not, let's set aside those negative thoughts until I get my answer.

Knocking on his apartment with sweaty hands, heart that beats like I run a marathon, and also never forget to mention my anxiety is kicking in.

"Coming," I heard a faint sound from inside.

By the time I heard the footsteps getting closer, my heart wants to leap out my chest.

If only I can turn back the time that I'm still at my bed lying down, I'm going to do that.

Before he could open the door, I move one step sideways, and leaning my forehead through the wall because of embarrassment.

"What are you doing?" I heard him asked giggling.

I slowly turn my head to him but my head was still intact to the wall and a force smile and also doing a peace sign. Then quickly facing the wall again now covering it with my hands.

"About Last Saturday" DAOU and OFFROAD FFWhere stories live. Discover now