Chapter 11

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Offroad's pov

"You're kidding right? You are just saying that to console my feelings?"

Since he told me that he likes me, I couldn't find the exact answer to it.

And I don't  know whether to believe him or not.

"I do, but," he paused then look at my side

"I knew it," I whispered, feeling hurt but I didn't show him at all.

"Off, can you let me finish my sentence?" he said trying to hold me on my shoulders but I slap his hand first before he touches me.

"Stop tripping on me Daou. No need to say that you like me too before, because it's already in past. I only admitted to you now because I don't want to be your friends anymore. That's it. I'm not expecting any answer for it," I burst out clutching my chest because I feel a bit of stinging sensation from it.

Then my tears started rolling down my cheeks.

I don't want to cry in front of him, but why I can't control myself now?

"And I'm s..orry fo..r liking yo..u, for ta...king ad...van..tage to you," I continued stuttering then burst out crying.

I don't want to cry in the first place, but the emotions  I'm keeping inside me for a long time burst out, and I hated this feeling.

The feeling of longing into his arms again.

I hate myself because I can't stop loving him.

Yesterday I'm only liking him, but now I just admitted myself that the love I felt for him still there.

The feeling of embarrassed is eating alive that I want to run away at that moment, but my knees felt like jelly to do so.

I don't really care anymore, so I cried my heart out.

I've been crying for a couple a minute when I didn't hear Daou talking nor do something to calm me or can sense his presence next to me. I've been waiting for that but I guess I was wrong.

I've tried to open my eyes and see If my intuition is right.

"You're such an idiot self, and also pathetic, Stop crying," I scolded myself when I didn't see him.

"Why are you not stopping?" I sob while wiping my tears continuously.

I should feel happier when he said that he likes me but why am I crying now? Am I crazy?

There are many words that I wanted to tell him. But sad to say he's not here anymore. He already got the answer so he can stop seeing me.

Maybe that's the reason why I am crying right now.

But this is what I want for the sake of me. I don't want to be the reason of their break up.

Maybe I am really crazy, why am i even thinking of their break up now?

I'm having headache now because I've been thinking so much of the possibilities that's going to happen.

"Stop, overthinking self," I tried to calm my mind.

I took a deep breath then blowing it in the air and  repeating it until I can finally calm myself up.

My vision now was blurry, another headache attacks, and now I'm also feeling dizzy as well.

After a one or two minutes I got startled when I hear his voice again.


"Why did you come back?" I snapped at him taking the bottle of water in his hand.

I drunk it all because I'm thirsty.

The anger that I'm feeling a little bit earlier change into happiness just like that.

"You think I'm gonna leave you?" he asked pulling the the chair in front of me and sat down.

I want to say yes but I choose not to answer him.

"Why did you drunk so much yesterday? Are you trying to kill yourself? And now you're drunk again?" he asked in a slow tone and there's a hint concern in his voice while saying those words.

"How did you know?" I was also puzzled by his question.

"I have my ways you know," I heard him giggled after his answer.

After hearing his giggled I even smiled for a bit, but after realizing that, I make a faced again.

I know he saw me but he didn't say anything after and we stayed like that for a while.

Then I started dozing off. I don't know how many minutes did I closed my eyes because when I looked him, his already next to me, and my head was on his shoulder. 

I want to argue with him but my body doesn't have energy anymore.

That's when I realized even before, that when he is next to me, I feel so relaxed, calm, and I don't have any worries in my life at all.

I'm feeling at ease when I'm with him.

Few minutes later, I couldn't keep my eye lids open anymore and my mind wanders and drift off to laland.

The nice and calming breeze is like a lullaby that swayed me to fall asleep.

I suddenly woke up when I heard a loud thud.

"Opps sorry about that," Daou voice apologizing signing peace at me.

My eyes went wide when I saw and scan his body that he's only wearing a towel in his lower part.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked shocked and even gripped my cover to myself. At the same time checking my body if I'm wearing clothes.

"Thank Goodness," I felt relax a little bit when I saw that I'm still wearing clothes.

Then a loud scream can be heard from me when I realized that the clothes I was wearing before I fall  asleep as I remember was different from the clothes I've been wearing just right now.

Short update...

Good night/Good Morning

"About Last Saturday" DAOU and OFFROAD FFOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora