Chapter 10

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Offroad's pov

I woke up with a raging headache when my phone rang making loud noise near me.

"I want to sleep more," I mumbled tiredly then putting my pillow on top of my face while gripping it tightly unto my ears preventing to hear the loud sound.

I not ready to wake up yet but my phone vibrations is annoying me with the constant ringing.

I lazily get up and checked my phone on the stand on my side table and checked who is the stupid person who is calling me that time.

Joong wants to facetime me so I canceled it.

I'm not in the mood to talk to him right now specially on my state.

I covered myself again with the blanket and ready to fall asleep.

"What time is it?" I heard Diamond asked next to me.

"I don't know, I think still early," I mumbled under my breath.

It doesn't really matter if he heard it or not, as long as I know myself that I answered him.

I eventually forgot about him sleeping next to me.

Because last night we had a alcohol blast with Geler and Pentor.

Diamond is sleeping withe because he won on the rock paper and scissor game last night. Because my rooms bed was bigger than the guest room bed.

After closing my eyes amd ready to sleep more, my phone started ringing again.

I keep on blaming myself why I didn't turn off my phone last night.

Because of annoyance I didn't answer the call and let the caller calls me as many times they want until they get tired calling me.

"Answer the call, maybe it's an emergency," Diamond said shaking me waking me up.

"I hate who ever calls me," I said gritting my teeth and finally answered the call then positioned myself on the bed again.

"Hey Off, I just want to remind you about later," I heard Joong says on the other line.

"What do you mean?" I asked him uninterested.

"Goodness Off, don't tell me you forgot about our conversation last night?" I can hear from his voice that he is bit disappointed.

"I will check again later," I don't want to make our conversation gets longer, so no need to argue with him.

"If I don't see any of your hairstrand tonight I will be very upset of you Offroad," now he sounded disappointed for real.

"Okey fine," I lazily answered, If only I can tell him that I'm more upset to him right now.

"I'm counting on you. And you promised me, no matter what happened you are coming," He insisted again

But before I can answer him, I heard Diamond speak.

"Off, any extra towel?" he asked

"On the left drawer," I answered pointing which drawer I'm referring.

"O.M.G! Offroad Kantapon, are you showing off your boyfriend?" Joong loud gasp that makes me confused.

I quickly got up and see that my phone is in facetime mode and facing to the bathroom.

I looked at Diamond and see him wearing only a boxer.

"Oh shit," I panicked and turn of our call.

"Don't get into your brain what he said," Diamond said not being affected on Joong says.

"About Last Saturday" DAOU and OFFROAD FFWhere stories live. Discover now