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Daou's Pov

"If anyone here knows of any reason these two should not married please rise and speak now or forever hold your peace," the wedding ministry stated, no one dares to say a word because they know that I am going to struggle their neck if they do such thing.

But that moment got ruined by an unexpected visitor.

"Me," the guy shouted hesitantly from the back row seat. What he did makes me feel anxious even more.

When I glance to Offroad side, he got the same reaction as mine, flabbergasted.

"Who is he?" "I don't know," "Are you sure?" both of us synchronizing asking questions.

Offroad and I having staring contest who is going to admit who is that guy that comes to our wedding.

"Daou, admit it now. Who is that guy?" Offroad's asking me with smiling face but with eyes that can kill.

"Baby, cross my heart, I didn't know that guy," I patiently told him.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I guess I attended the wrong wedding," he apologize even bowing to us. I didn't realize that he came closer to us just to apologize.

Offroad and I look at each other eye again after that.

"I'm sorry, I should have trusted you when you say you don't know that guy. I thought he came to still you away from me," he whispered just enough for me to hear.

"Don't be jealous about it baby, and one more thing keep in your mind that I'm only yours. And no one will come to still me away from you." I comforted him, then kissing him quickly on his lips, but the kiss stayed for a couple of seconds.

"I never said you can kiss him now. Your wedding didn't even start yet, or you want me to skip that part and go straight to the honeymoon part?" The wedding ministry whispered to us that makes us both flustered.

After that, the wedding continues.

"Daou you can say you vow now," the ministry told me again.

"Can Offroad go first?" I shyly asked the minister and getting nervous as well.

"Why me?" Offroad asked confused

"I'm just nervous baby," I told him smiling from ear to ear trying to cover up what I truly feel in that moment.

"Okey," He said and didn't think twice does something that's makes me smile and flustered once again.

And everyone's laughed at Offroad gesture because after taking out a piece of paper in his pocket then opening it and blowing the dust from inside.

"It's been so long since I wrote this vow, I thought I am not going to be able to read this on my wedding day, but here I am," he joke, and I know he is also nervous from inside but his just trying to forget about it by making some jokes.

I smiled again at his wittiness then continue watching him closely what is he going to do next.

Then he took a deeper breath before starting to read his so called vow.

"To My Daou, I promise to dream with you, to cry with you, to laugh with you, to celebrate with you, to comfort you, and walk beside you through life brings us. I will hold your hand promising to always fight for you, pursue and love you wholeheartedly and unconditionally for the rest of my life. Thank you for everything, I love you so so much," Offroad ended his vow with a teary eye, and the smile on my face while listening to him didn't fade at all.

Everything he said today I am going to keep them in my heart forever.

When I saw him crumpled the paper and ready to put back in his pocket, I quickly took it it from him.

"About Last Saturday" DAOU and OFFROAD FFWhere stories live. Discover now