Chapter 9

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DAOU's pov

"Daou, I didn't know that you are one of a kind stupid person," Becky exclaimed in annoyance.

"I'm not expecting that kind of word from you. Of all the story I told you, you are just going to say that I am stupid?" I bantered

I can't believe her, I shouldn't open up to her, my inner self nagging while shaking my head.

"Okey, let me ask you this. When you saw him again, like you said. What's the first thing that comes from your heart?" she asked seriously looking straight to my eyes.

"From my heart?" I asked confused pointing at my self just to make sure his reffering to me.

"Who else?"

"At first, Ofcourse shocked because I didn't know that I am going to see him again. And the second time," I paused and took a deep breathing "That's the time I felt missing him. Like the old days," I continued admitting to her what I really felt that day.

"And how about now?" she asked again getting interested.

I just look at her and smile genuinely and after that I lean my back on the sofa while stretching my arms.

"I don't really know. But lately I keep on thinking of him, and what happen to the both us if he did not avoid me before. Now that I meet him again, I wanted to continue that friendship again, but things are different now. We can't go back the way we used to be."

"Friendship? Really? Base on your story, you two are very oblivious on your feelings towards each other. You love each other Daou,"

"But he only said he loves as a friend," I argued

"Okey, I want to clarify something first. When he admitted that he loves you that time he is sick, what kind of feeling you've felt at that exact moment? Tell me the truth,"

"I really want to kiss him that time," I admitted

"Where exactly? On his lips right, you just told me that you kissed him on his forehead but the truth is, you are looking at his lips that time. Because you want to kiss him on his lips. Am I right?" she asked very energetic, and the look on her face it's very enthusiastic.

I already got busted when my face heated up when I remembered that scenario.

So why do I need to lie now.

"You got me there," I whispered shyly

Then she started screaming, squealing  like a teenage fangirling on her sit.

"I knew it," she beams with excitedly while clapping her hands.

So I told her more of our stories, till now that we've met again.

"Daou, now that I know your story. I guess, your heart is already been reserved since you meet him. Because now, I realized you never liked anyone before, and you never tried to flirt even once. I guess deep down inside your heart, you are still waiting for him. Waiting for him to comeback, in your arms."

I'm speechless on her kind of words now. So I awaited her to continue what she's going to say.

"But I'm afraid his feeling towards you is not the same as you are. I'm not intimidating you or anything, but many years had already past. I didn't see the days you are together to prove that he likes or love you whatsoever. But maybe he is just being kind to you before because of the way you treated him. But I hope not. And now I want you to think and found out what you truly feel about him Daou. Before and Now is a different thing."

"Yeah I know," I shortly answered.

"I hope you find the answer the soonest." she genuinely said

"I want you to be happy, and I also want to meet him one of this day. And see if he is suitable for or not, I will be the judge," she playfully added.

"About Last Saturday" DAOU and OFFROAD FFWhere stories live. Discover now