Chapter 15

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"What is it boss?" McGee asked running up to his fallen boss.

"Everyone is okay," Gibbs said standing up. "Everyone's fine."

"Yay!" Yelled Abby jumping up and down behind McGee, half worried about what was wrong with her boss.

"When... when can we see them?" Gibbs asked nervously.

"Right now Sr." The doctor stated pointing to a hallway adjacent from the delivery room. "Room 04,"

"Thank you Doctor," McGee said following Gibbs and Abby into the double doors.

"Congrats! See you guys later!" Kensi called from behind them. She turned to her blond partner. "They seem like a nice family,"

"Yeah," Deeks said taking her hands in his. "Like we are,"

Kensi smiled looking away, blushing. "I guess so,"

"We are," he said gently placing his hand on her cheek, pulling her in for a soft kiss.

She smiled under the kiss. "Yeah," she mumbled.

"Room 04? Yes, here it is," Abby said excitedly. 'Is it a boy or girl? What color hair does she/he have? Eyes? Who does she/he take after?' Her mind raced.

Gibbs approached the doors slowly. Behind them would change his and the teams lives forever. With a jealous member and one with a new mini, this few weeks have been a roller coaster.

"Ready boss?" McGee asked noticing his hesitation. Him himself knows that once that door is opened, things will never be the same again. His partners-no his best friends- life has changed and this time for the best.

"Uhh, yeah." Gibbs whispered being pulled out of his daze.

"Here we go," Abby said lightly knocking on the dark stained door.

"Come in," a tired man called from the other side.

Abby slowly opened the door to a faintly lot room. There was a heart rate monitor and a blood pressure monitor softly beeping away in the far left corner with with wires running to and from the bed.

"Hey," Tony whispered glancing at his friends, no family.

"Hi!" Abby said quietly excited.

"Hey Ziver, How are you," Gibbs asked looking at the little white bundle in her arms.

Ziva had a little blanket in her arms that a little hand raised from. The proud parents smiled simultaneously at the little bundle.

"Great," She smiled tiredly looking down into the bundle, the glaring at the wired and tubes that limited her movement from her right wrist.

"And you Tony?" McGee asked noticing some brushing on his hands.

"Awesome, but someone needs to work on her grip," he joked tiredly.

Ziva smiled and shook her head. "It was worth it, right Tony?"

"Yes. Yes it was Sweet Cheeks." Tony smiled, leaning down kissing the top of her slightly sweaty head.

"So? Is it a boy or a girl?" Abby asked pushy.

"It's a boy." Ziva smiled.

This chapter is short I know!! Anyway, this chapter did not go as I thought it would so... Since you guys now what it is, pick your favorite boy name! Since almost every Tiva baby book I have read the baby is a girl and I'm just trying to explore a new aspect!

1) Arson
2)Tony Jr.

Any Other ideas are welcome!


Ziva Comes BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora