Chapter 2

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We pull into the trailer parking field, Blake parks the truck in the line and a man approaches. Blake hands the man our tickets.

"Okay, drive to the far end and your parking lot is numbered." The man says. He examines the back seat. "Keep it down and stay out of trouble, we have lots of cops around here."

I quietly laugh to myself because he knows that teenagers are usually the most problems at this rodeo, usually we are good. This is our first year coming without our parents so, we will probably party all night every night.

Blake nods and we head through the field. Blake parks the trailer perfectly.

"Perfect." I say.

"Like always." He says and stepping out of his truck.

We walk around and set up the trailer. Cody pulls the cooler out of the bed of the truck and opens it. I run over and jump on his back. He was shocked but quickly caught me and I opened the cooler. I grabbed a Mikes and jump off Cody's back.

"Anyone else want anything?" Cody called to the others.

They all yelled back the alcohol they wanted, Cody and I brought it to them.

"When is douche bag getting here?" I ask Blake.

Blake smirks as he looks past me, I turn around and see douche bag, Clark Peterson driving in, in his loud Ram truck. Yeah I like his truck but the person driving it could be anyone but him.

"Speak of the devil." I murmur to myself.

I sit down next to Daisy in one of the lawn chairs and watch him back the trailer up. Not as perfect as Blake's but still pretty good. I see a couple more trailers pull in to other spots around us.

"Hey dude!" Clark yells as he bro hugs with Blake.

"Good to see ya." Blake says.

Clark smirks widely as he spots me.
I stare at him as well, scowling. He makes his way over and leans over top of me.

"Hey hot stuff." He says into my ear.

He lets his lips brush my cheek as he pulls back slowly.

I stay expressionless the whole time. It has taken a lot of practice to not care about him anymore.

"Hey Daisy." He says to her with a wink.

She smiles and blushes a bit.

Clark pops open a cold one and sips it, sitting in the lawn chair next to me.

We were sitting around, drinking and talking for an hour. I have two drinks down.

A nice truck drives past, Ram 3500, chromed out, lift kit.

The driver rolls down his window.

"Mmm." I mumble and hit Daisy.

She laughs and waves to him.

The boys move as we they recognize that they are backing up up to the spot next to us.

Blake helps him back up.
The mystery guy steps out of his truck looking hot as ever, his adjusts his hat on his head. His hair is a light brown, longer so it comes out under it. He is wearing a t shirt and worn out jeans.

I stand up and start to walk over.

"Ah ah." Clark says.

His arm comes around my waist. "Careful with strangers."

"Cody can protect me." I say continue to walk.

"Cody isn't here."

"Get off me." I say stopping to fight against his grip, but his grip only gets tighter.

I watch as Blake and the new guy talk and laugh. I continue to walk over and stand beside Blake.

Clark stands beside me.

The guy stops and looks me over.

"I'm Alena." I say with slight smile.

He smiles showing his perfect white teeth.

"Keith." He says smirking and checking me out.

A hand clasps around my waist and Keith looks at Clark's arm and then his face.

"Clark." He says extending his hand to Keith.

Keith shakes it and nods.

"I'll introduce you to the group." Blake says gesturing for Keith to follow him.

Keith smiles at me before following Blake. Two more guys come around the trailer with two girls.

First couple I see: he is hot as hell, dark brown hair, baseball hat on. Black t shirt and worn out jeans, looks like he is wearing work boots. His girl is holding his hand, brown hair with light highlights, wearing a tight fitting blue tank top with jean shorts.

Second couple I see: he is pretty hot as well, brown hair, baseball hat, plaid shirt and jeans. His girl, disgusting. Blonde hair, boobs hanging out of her pink tank top and jean shorts, her ass is hanging out of that as well.

I look to Clark who can't keep his eyes off her.

I have a reason to slap him. I bring my hand to face but he catches my wrist.

"I still have good reflexes even when in distracted."

I scuff and walk away from him. I take my seat again and notice Daisy hitting it up with the girls.

I grab another drink and join them.

"Hey, Lena this is Crystal and Hanna."
She says pointing to them, the blonde is Crystal and brunette is Hanna.

"Hi, I'm Alena." I say with a small smile.

"Do you guys wanna go check out the vendors?" Crystal asks in a high pitched voice.

We all nod and start walking. I pull on Daisy's arm.

"Is her voice naturally that high?" I ask with a laugh.

She laughs quietly. "I think so."

We walk past the boys.

"Where are you guys going?" Clark asks.

"To check out the vendors." Crystal says sweetly.

"Sweet, I'll come." Clark says standing up.

He looks like he is gonna fall but I leave him. He stumbles up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You're a little drunk." I whisper.

He smiles and grabs my ass.

People were starting to walk away.
The girls with their boyfriends and all my friends. Cody hits Clark as he passes us.

"Lets go you two." He says.

Clark groans and leans into my lips.

"I would rather stay back and fuck you in my trailer." He whispers in my ear.

I push him off me and walk away.

"Douche." I spit.

"I love watching that ass walk away from me!"

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