Chapter 6

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"Hurry up Lena!" Daisy calls from outside the trailer.

I slip my cowboy boots on after searching forever for them, I couldn't find them. Keith forgot where he left them last night.

"Sorry." I mumble as everyone stares at me exiting the trailer.

Everyone starts to head towards the Rodeo grounds. I trail near the back with Clark.

Daisy left me to hang by Mason. The only time I hate them being together.
I walk silently before Clark speaks up.

"You got a little too cosy with that Keith guy last night."

"I really don't think that's any of your business." I say quickly glancing at him.

He shrugs. "Just watching out for you."

"I have friends for that."

"Yeah, like Cody. Who was all over a blonde not really caring what you were doing or who you were with."

"Really Clark, I have Daisy.."

"Who was with Mason."


"Who was with a girl."

I sigh. "Blake saw me with Keith, if he didn't approve he would have stopped it."

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

"Why do you even care?"

We were trailing behind the group now, they couldn't hear us.

"I don't."

"You're jealous, over a guy I just met and will only know for 7 days."

"I'm not jealous." He scuffs.

I roll my eyes and show my wrist band as we enter the Rodeo grounds.

I catch up to the rest of the group and stand beside Blake.

The event today is Team Penning which starts in an hour.

I grabbed Blake's hand and brought him down an aisle of vendors away from the group.

"Do you know what you're doing with Keith?" He asks me.

I shrug. "Its just a fling, it's not like it can go anywhere. I will forget about once we leave here."

Blake looks off behind me. "Well he actually lives the next town over from us, so..."



I sigh heavily. "Well I haven't seen him yet so it isn't a big deal right?"

"Well, we are friends now, I'm just saying if you don't want things to get awkward..."

"Yeah, yeah."

I wave him off with my hand. "What about you and that blonde last night?"

He laughs. "Nothing happened, I brought her into my bed because she couldn't remember where her trailer was."

I laugh and roll my eyes. "You always pick the dumb ones."

"Hey!" He says and nudges me playfully.

I continue to laugh and I get a text.

Left side, at the top.

"Lets go to the arena." I say.

We go to the left side, searching the top for them.

I spot Daisy waving and make my way through the people and up the bleachers.

She pats the seat next to her while Blake sits at the end beside Cody.
I got to sit but Clark slides under me.
He smirks and grabs my hips placing me in his lap.

"Clark, stop being a dick." Cody grumbles from the beside him.

"I agree with Cody." I say trying to stand but he holds me down.

He places me beside him and looks down the line of us, I glance down and Keith staring. I quickly look back to the pen ahead of us, hoping the event will start soon.

I look at the time on my phone but am distracted by Clark's arm around me, he shifts his fingers on my side and rubs his thumb along my bare skin, under my shirt.

I look at the arena as horses enter, warming up.

The announcer starts talking and introducing people as the fill the large pen with calves that have numbers on their back.

Three people come in on their horses.

"3...3...3" The announcer says.

The large man on the dark brown horse runs his horse into the crowd of calves looking for calf number 3.

He quickly gets it out and they heard the calf out.

Another man steps in to get the next calf while the other two attempt to keep the herd behind the line and the first number three calf on the other side of the line.

He gets the second one out and chases it behind the line.

The last person of the group brings her horse forwards into the herd. She quickly scrambles through it to find the last calf.

There is a echo of yelling and sounds to keep the other two calves from getting back with the herd.

She quickly emerges the herd with the last calf. The three of them herd the calves into the pen with the struggle of the last one but finally manage.

The crowd claps for them with some cheers.

Clark doesn't move his arm to clap, instead he just shifts bringing my shirt farther up and he slides his index finger down my pants by my hip bone.

I shift uncomfortably, hoping he would get the point but he doesn't move.

We stayed like that for an hour until intermission was called.

I stand up allowing his hand to leave my side.

"Who wants food?" I ask.

"Yes." Daisy says standing beside me. "What's your order, we'll get it for everybody."

Everyone mumbles their order.
Daisy writes it down on her phone.
It was 7 pm, so everyone wanted a lot.

"I'll come help carry it." Mason says.

"Same." Clark says standing beside me.

I internally groan as we make our way down the bleachers.

Clark's arm wraps around my waist as we reach the bottom. Daisy and Mason walk ahead, holding hands.

"When were they a thing?" Clark whispers into my ear.

I shrug.

We make it to the line and stand behind Mason and Daisy.

Clark pulls me closer to his side.
It felt kind of weird being so close to him but, whatever. Maybe it was an easier way to let Keith down.

We walk up to the man working and Daisy starts listing off everything. He write it down but I notice him glancing over his notepad checking us two out.
Clark wraps his arms around my from behind to prove a point.

The man looks at him and I can see Clark scowl.

"Hey, are you writing this down?" Daisy asks annoyed.

He looks to her and starts writing.
She starts to repeat the ones he didn't get.

We waited, for a while until all our food arrived on the table.

I started piling the burgers on Clark's arms while I carried five fries, Mason carried six and Daisy got lots of packages of ketchup, salt and vinegar.

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