Chapter 12

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Day 5:

I wake up and pull Blake off of me, he is always known as a cuddlier.

I shower, brush my teeth and start a new day.

"Alena?" Daisy says as I come out of the bathroom.


She grabs my wrist and walks me outside and away from our trailers.

"You need to talk to Clark, clear things up."

I sigh. "I tried last night, he hates me."

"His feelings for you are the opposite of hate."

I look at her with a confused expression.

"He confessed to me yesterday that he thinks he is falling for you."

I have stopped walking hearing this information.

"No, that's not true. It's just because he thinks I'm pregnant and doesn't want me to feel worse."

"No, he said he felt these things before you two did it." Daisy says. "He started feeling for you when you guys started talking after you hooked up for the first time."

"Oh yeah that explains why he did with another girl."

"He thought you didn't like him and you just wanted a hook up, he was confused and scared. He didn't think you felt the same way so he tried moving on." She explains.

"So what? He came here hoping to get with me again?" I spit out. "He got what he wanted, but he screwed it up big time."

"Alena, I saw it in his eyes. He likes you."

I sigh heavily.

"Go talk to him."

I nod slightly and head back to Clark's trailer.

I knock three times.

He opens the door only in his boxers, messy hair but overall he looks pretty sexy.

What am I thinking?

"Can I come in?" I ask looking away from his body.

"Yeah." He says and gestures for me to enter.

He shuts the door behind me.

"Look, Alena I know you won't believe me but-"

"Clark, I-"

"No, Alena. I'm sorry for snapping at you last night. I would be pretty pissed for ruining my party time too. So that's why I'm not going to drink with you through this if there is someone in you." He explains.

"And I know you won't believe me but I have feelings for you. I have had them for a while now. I just pushed them aside because I was scared. Scared of losing you, scared that you didn't feel the same. This isn't just coming from me because I think you might be pregnant, it's coming from me because I care about you and no matter if there is a baby in there or not I want to be with you."

A smile has formed on my face. Wow. He looked straight at me the whole time through that speech.

I couldn't help but grab his neck and press our lips together.

This is the only way I can show I believe him. For some reason I think I have the same feelings for him.

He pulls away. "Alena."

"Clark, I believe you. I hope there isn't a baby inside of me but if there is I'm glad I will be having it with you."
He smiles and kisses me again.

"So are you and Keith over then?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yes." I say and peck his lips.

I leave his trailer with a smile on my face.

Who knew I would fall for that douche, Clark Peterson?

"All better?" Daisy asks as I grab a water from the fridge.

I smile at her.

"Good." She laughs. "Lets head over to the Rodeo, it starts in an hour."

I jump up. "What it's already 1?"

She laughs and nods. "It was a rough night everyone slept in late."

I smile and link arms with her heading away from our trailer to the grounds.

An arm wraps around my waist and Daisy's arm leaves mine. I look up to Clark.

"Shall we?" He asks gesturing to bleachers.

I laugh and climb to the top. He follows and takes a seat beside me.
Today I feel like I can actually focus on the Rodeo and enjoy it.

I stand and cheer with Daisy when people are participating in the event. I think I might have lost my voice a bit.
Keith smiled at me when he noticed Clark and I together.

"I'm getting drinks, Clark want one?" Blake asks.

Clark turns to me smirking and then shakes his head, "No I'm good thanks."

I snuggle into his shoulder and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"Anything for you." He says kissing the top of my head.


The Rodeo finished, the finals were tomorrow. Clark bought me supper, burger and fries, from one of the vendors and then we went back to the trailers to get changed into our concert clothes.

At the concert I enter the crowd like I usually do but this time without a drink in my hand.

I stand with Daisy and the girls.

"No drinking tonight?" Crystal asks with her eyebrows raised.

I shake my head.

"Why not?"

I look to Daisy and her wide eyes.
"I just think I'm partied out."

She laughs. "I can never be partied out!"

I smile at her before she turns, facing the stage and starts swaying her hips to the music.

"Alright then." Daisy says with a laugh.

A familiar scent of cologne comes into my nose and I turn to see Clark smirking.

"What's up?" I ask.

He places his hands on my hips and pulls me into him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to dance."
I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm okay with that." I mumble into his chest.

We sway back and forth and his hands fall into my ass jean pockets. I didn't really care though. I lift my chin and press our lips together.

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