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4 months later:

The cool gel is spread across my belly by the doctor.

After a month, I didn't get my period and I knew what it was. I took three tests at home that came back positive and then made an appointment. I went a month later and the doctor said I was indeed pregnant but there might be some difficulties with the growth. She was worried it might not make it. My heart fell at her words but now....

"There is a heart beat." She says.

I smile and squeeze Clark's hand.

"Would you like to know the gender?"
I look at Clark. "Whatever you want babe."

I smile at the doctor and nod.

She moves the stick around my stomach a little until she smiles and says, "You're having a boy."

I smile wide and look at Clark who is also smiling.

"He better not turn out like you." I sarcastically say with a laugh.

Clark rolls his eyes.

1 year later:

"Clark!" I yell from the kitchen.

Clark enters the kitchen with Conner in his arms and he looks so peaceful.

I take the baby from him and Clark crouches in front of me. He lifts my shirt and a cool breeze hits my stomach.

"Clark." I whisper.

He kisses my stomach tenderly, my stomach is rounded a little, being 4 months pregnant with a baby girl.

It has been a crazy year, we had our mistake baby boy, but now he is beyond a mistake. My parents freaked out a bit about it once I told them but now they couldn't be more proud.

Mason finally asked out Daisy and they started dating.

Blake and Cody are still partying like crazy, and truly living out there lives until they have to start actually living.
Clark has started his own business and is very successful. I am working for him at his business.

Clark stands kissing my lips.

"I love you Alena."

"I love you too Clark."

He smiles and takes Conner back into his arms.

"You should finish dinner before everyone shows up."

I turn back to the stove and feel Clark's hand meet my ass in a fast motion.

I squeal and turn to him.

"Shhh, you're going to wake Conner." He says with a smirk.

The doorbell rings.

"Get the door Clark."

He laughs and heads out to the foyer.
I hear a couple cheers, Daisy's squeal at the baby and the boys talking.

I walk out and see Clark bro hugging with Blake, Daisy has Conner in her hands.

They all look so different, Blake's blonde hair has grown out a bit, Daisy's hair is now brown with blonde tips, Mason hasn't changed much but Cody looks genuinely happy, which he usually isn't around Clark.

"Alena!" I hear Daisy squeal bringing me out of my thoughts.

I wrap my arms around her making sure not to crush Conner.

"I missed you guys!" I say and pull the boys in for hugs. "Its been too long."

"Yeah, what 2 months?" Cody says squeezing me in a hug.

I laugh. "Exactly, too long."

"So boys? How's it been?" Clark asks bringing them into the living room.

"Come to the kitchen." I say to Daisy.

She nods and keeps her eyes Conner as she walks in behind me. She plays with his fingers as he tries to grab hers.

I look through the archway and see Clark and the boys laughing on the couches. Oh that smile though, it makes him look so.... Perfect. He glances my way and smiles again making me smile.

Boy, do I ever love him. Do I ever love these people. They complete my life. These people are my life, my family.

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