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First outfit

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First outfit.

Percy watched as Jason and Piper rode away. This was his chance. He had waited so many years for this. He just had never known how to do it, and here was a way, right in front of him. He snuck into the stables, heart pounding, and found a horse of his own. He followed Piper and Jason, keeping a good distance away to stay hidden. The pair stopped about noon to eat, but took off just as fast. As darkness fell, they were still riding, and Percy didn't know if his  horse could run anymore. He was afraid he'd have to stop, and he'd lose them, but then they stopped and made camp. 

They made a fire, and a tent out of some sticks, rocks, and a blanket. Jason toasted some bread over the fire, and shared it with Piper, while Percy sat in the shadows and ate wormy apple, forgetting that apples crunch, and no one knew he was here. The crisp crunch startled Piper, who fell off the log she was sitting on. Jason laughed and helped her up, planting a kiss on her cheek. Her face flushed beet red. He laughed again, and stood up.

"I'll go see what that was." he chuckled, and Percy silently sighed in relief, because Jason left in the opposite direction. He put away the apple, and pulled out a piece of bread. He raised it to his mouth to eat it, when an arrow ripped it out of his hands, tethering it to the ground. Percy gasped, and scrambled to his feet, because the fletching was purple, weaved with gold- Rome's colors- which meant he was just shot at by a castle guard. He make a run for it, scrambling into the small clearing that Jason and Piper had set up camp at. Piper fell off the log again in shock, and Percy hoisted her up, dragging her away with him.

"Run! Castle guards!" He cried, but she tried to pull away.

"Jason!" she cried, but Percy didn't let her go.

"Jason can take care of himself!" He insist, and she had no choice but to follow him, because he had already taken off. They scrambled through bushes, around trees, over fallen shrubbery, and under low branches.

"Ow!" Piper cried out. She buckled, falling to the ground in an undignified manner. "My ankle!" she groaned. "I think it's broken!" Suddenly, figures broke through the bushes, surrounding them. Castle guards. To the side, Percy saw Jason being held by a soldier- the one who shot at Percy, he supposed, because he was the only one with a bow.

"Percy?" Jason exclaimed, stunned. "That was you-" One of the guards who had surrounded them hit him over the head with their shield.

"Keep him quiet Frank!" he barked crossly, and the archer flinched, but nodded uncertainly. Jason locked eyes with Percy.

"You take care of her," he pleaded, and pulled out his sword, startling the archer, Frank. The guards sprawled out, focused on Jason, the immediate threat, leaving an opening for escape. Percy quickly scooped up Piper, and ran, ignoring the shouts of protest.

"We can't just leave Jason!' Piper insisted.

"Jason told me to take care of you." Percy reminded her. "And that's what I'm going to do." He ran faster, and by dawn, the sounds of the guards had faded behind them.


It had been to days since they had left Jason behind, and they had lost most of their supplies in the scuffle. They had no food left, and Piper still couldn't walk, leaving scrawny Percy to carry her, because they lost all of the horses as well.

Percy heard a wagon on a road, and he ducked into the bushes with Piper, but not before they were spotted.

"Hey!" someone called, and Percy was filled with relief, because he recognized that voice to belong to Leo, the traveling merchant. They reunited ,and Leo gave them medicine for Piper's ankle.

"Why don't I give you a ride to Athens?" He offered. "I'm heading there anyways, and I could use some company, just hop in the wagon," he told them, and they gratefully accepted.


They had arrived in the city. They pulled up to the castle, and Percy could tell that Piper was filled with excitement. Percy just wanted to get home to his mother in Thebes. He carried her to the front steps, because her ankle wasn't fully healed yet, and the guard welcomed them in. They were taken to the throne room, only to be told that the King was in Sparta sorting out a matter, but would be back in a few days.

They waited, as the guards got Piper's friends. Apparently she had a lot of them, because it was taking while. Finally, the doors burst open, and Percy slunk into the corner, as four girls and three boys came running into the room, a eerily familiar blonde girl in the lead. She threw her arms around Piper, as the others followed. Finally, when they all got off of her, the blonde started speaking to Piper, and as Percy got a good look at her face, he slunk back farther into the corner in shock.

"Piper! We were so worried about you! How did you get back?" she demanded. Piper laughed.

"My friend helped me, he's a slave captured from here in Greece. From your village, Thebes, actually, Annabeth." she said, gesturing to Percy, but he could tell Annabeth was no longer listening. She stared at him.

"Percy?" she whispered, brushing a blonde curl from her face. Percy nodded, tears rolling down his face. He couldn't believe this was happening. She started crying too, and she ran too him, jumping into his arms. He held her there, and kissed her. When they pulled away, she cupped his face with her hands.

"It's really you?" she whispered. Percy tucked a stray curl behind her ear and nodded.

"Yeah, it's really me." He whispered. She kissed him again, and then pulled away.

"They-" she hiccupped. "They told me you were as good as dead, and that- and that I should stop hoping you'd ever come back." she whispered. He wiped a tear from her cheek, and smiled through tears.

"I told you I'd come back." He reminded her, and she looked angry. She punched him in the gut, sending him to the ground.

"After eight years!" You went missing when we were twelve, Percy! I'm twenty!" Percy laughed and stood up.

"And you're still as beautiful as ever." He chuckled. She shook her head, and hugged him, burying her face in his shirt. He stroked her hair.

"I love you." she whispered. Percy leaned down, and kissed her hair.

"I love you, too."


Was that cute? Adorable?

First person to comment and vote gets to choose which couple is safe.

(doesn't die)

Remember, the safe couple isn't the only couple that will survive, an you're not allowed to vote Jiper, because Jiper is going to live regardless.

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