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When Rome attacks Greece, who will win, who will lose, will peace be formed, who will die, who will live, and most importantly, who will fall in love?

-[Excerpt from summary]

no one, everyone, no, most people, almost no one, everyone.

Okay, come on guys. Last time I was mentioned was what, Chapter eight? I think I deserve a little more credit than that. Honestly. Flashback for all of you who apparently forgot about me:

"But Coach and Mellie! They could be back there!" Leo shook his head, fighting tears.

"There's nothing we can do for them now." This threw Calypso into a fit.

Leo clasped his hand over her mouth, and held her tightly to keep her from thrashing, as he pulled them behind the bushes. Four figures came rom the other side of the road, and threw open the door to his cart, carelessly tossing out items: lamp shades, rusty coins, old charcoal pencils, and chipped empty bottles of ink.

"There's no one here!" One of the figures cried, and in the firelight, Leo could see the insignia on their armor- roman.

"Scan everything in a five mile radius," one of them commanded. "We'll find them. Dead or alive."

Calypso gasped, choking on her sobs.

"Shhhh," Leo pleaded. He pulled her close to him. She curled into his chest.

"We haven't found anyone else, sir," the younger guard reported.

"Then you haven't searched hard enough."

"Please sir, we've been searching all night. The chef girl and insolent merchant are of little consequence." The gruffer guard grunted.

"I suppose you have a point. Tie these two up. We'll take them to a camp." Calypso heard the guards walking away.

Leo tugged at her sleeve.

"Now's our chance." He scooped her up bridal style, and retreated farther into the woods. Calypso didn't protest. She felt sick. She'd been imprisoned in that castle her entire life. She had never left it's walls. She had never been in the outside world. Reality was a slap in the face.

As a young girl, Calypso had often imagined what it was like to be a normal little girl, because if on thing was for certain, it was that Calypso was not normal.

Calypso was a mistake. She was born in the laundry room, the daughter of a noble woman and a criminal.

Calypso's mother was a respected woman. She had five daughters with her husband, all of which were far more of worth than Calypso. The kind mother had been visiting in the castle for a long-term extended period, and on a walk through the interior, she stumbled across the dungeon.

That was where it all began. On a dark rainy day, at the end of a walk blossomed from boredom, in a cold, damp, and musty dungeon, in the coldest, dampest, mustiest cell, Calypso was conceived.

Of course, word could never get out that the noble woman had a child with a criminal. The moment she was born, she was wrapped in rags and handed to the oldest servant in the castle. The old chef.

The chef died when Calypso was eight. Calypso was made the new chef. As mentioned, she never left the castle. Wake, eat, work, work, eat, work, work, work, eat, work, sleep, wake, work, sleep, repeat.

Her life was like riding a roller coaster. You know, that roller coaster. The roller coaster that's so jam packed with twists and turns and loops and stomach jerks and screams and tears that no one wants to go on it. That's Calypso's roller coaster. At nights, she'd cry herself to sleep. in the morning, she'd cry some more. Than she'd dry her tears, put on her brightest fake smile, and slave away.

Her only comfort, her only joy in the day, was seeing him out the window. His heart-wrenching smile, his  addicting laugh, that irresistible twinkle in his eye. All of it. It was like being stuck in a dark room, just four walls, and then a window appearing for a half hour each week.

Leo set her down. They were still in the middle of the woods.

"We'll have too stay here for the night." Calypso nodded. He laid down, and pulled her close to him. She snuggled into his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He whispered in her ear before shutting his eyes. Calypso managed her first real smile in years. It felt strange, yet pleasing.

She hoped the window was there to stay.

War Of Athens [ A HOO love fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora