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Thalia shivered in the cold dungeon. The sound of the battle echoed outside the bars of her window. She hoped and prayed that Luke and Grace were okay.

Heavy footsteps echoed through the dungeon. Thalia sat up in her cell as a man with a sword in hand and the keys to the cells in the other.

"Are you Thalia Castellan?" She nodded.

"Yes, that is me." He fumbled with the keys, finally finding the right one and turning it in the keyhole.

"I have been sent to retrieve you under the Queen's orders. My name is Leo."

"Leo? Aren't you the traveling merchant. Fighting doesn't really seem like you." She stood.

"Well-" Leo paused. "War changes people. Come on. I'll take you to where the other women and children are hiding." They ascended the stairs and Thalia followed Leo down a corridor and out into the courtyard.

"Thalia!" she whirled around.

"Nico!" She threw her arms around him. "I'm so happy to see you! How's Grace?"

"She's fine. I got her to the castle cellar with the rest of the kingdom's survivors."

"Thank you! And Luke? Have you heard from him?" Nico lowered his head.

"Thalia-" her hands flew to her mouth.

"No!" she cried. "It isn't true! Nico! Tell me it isn't!" Nico didn't answer.

"He's dead." Thalia collapsed on the ground, sobbing hysterically. Nico bent down. "Thalia, it's okay." He cradled her head in his lap. "He met Grace." She went quiet.

"He did?" Nico nodded.

"She saw him before he died." Thalia nodded.

"Good...good." she went silent. Nico shook her.

"Thalia?" he said. Then more urgently, "Thalia!" Leo put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey," he said, causing Nico to stop. "She's gone." Nico shook his head.

"I- how am I going to tell Grace?" He got up and walked to the kingdom cellar, shaking with grief at the loss of two of his best friends.

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